On December 5, the republican stage of the "Imam of the Year - 2023" competition was held among imams working in mosques, the press service of the Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan reported. 14 imams who won in regional stages of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent competed in it.
The participants answered questions related to recitation and interpretation of the Holy Qur'an, aqeedah, jurisprudence, Islamic history, hadith sciences, and the work of scholars. They also demonstrated their works and creations during their work activities. The performances of the participants were evaluated by a panel of judges based on the criteria.
According to the results of the competition:
1st place is the imam-khatib of the "Khalid bin Walid" mosque in Tashkent, Israiljan Ismailjanov. The winner was awarded a first-class diploma and a Hajj tour ticket;
The 2nd place was awarded to the imam-khatib of the "Mirzakholiq Ota" mosque in Andijan region, Mohammadi Khan Hojiev. He was awarded with a II degree diploma and a cash prize of 15 million soums;
The 3rd place was taken by Anvar Ahmedov, imam of the "Sheikh Khudoidod Vali" mosque in Samarkand region. He was presented with a III degree diploma and a cash prize of 12 million soums.

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