The first freight train traveling on the new route arrived from China to Uzbekistan. The length of the route is 6250 kilometers, and he covered this distance in 12 days.

The first freight train traveling on the new route arrived from China to Uzbekistan. This was reported by the press service of "Uztemiryolconteiner" company .

A train loaded with 50 containers, including industrial equipment and bulk cargo , which set off from Jinhua, China, has successfully arrived at the Nazarbek station in Uzbekistan.

The length of this new route is 6,250 kilometers, and the train covered this distance in 12 days through the Altynkol station in Kazakhstan. This flight was the first flight on the new Jinhua - Nazarbek route.

In the future, high-speed container trains running between "Nazarbek" and "Urganch" stations will be used to deliver goods to other regions of Uzbekistan. Special platforms belonging to the railways of Uzbekistan are used for this purpose.

The opening of the new railway route will significantly speed up and reduce the cost of cargo transportation between China and Uzbekistan, and will help strengthen trade and economic relations between the two countries.

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