According to deism, is the creator sovereign?

In our fourth lesson on deism, we will have a conversation with another deist. We ask him:

- Is the creator you believe in wise? Or did they just do it for fun?

In any case, the One who created this world so beautifully and gave dozens of qualities to all beings is wise. After all, such a wise creation is unique only to Hakim, that is, the owner of wisdom. Look, everything in the world has a purpose. Nothing is wasted. There is nothing useless or useless. This also proves the wisdom of our creator. Indeed, if you deny this, the whole of existence will oppose you and show their wisdom and call you a liar.

Now let's talk a little about you:

You have been given an eye that can distinguish all levels of beauty. However, the eyes given to animals see the world only in black and white colors.

And you have been given such a tongue that you know the taste of what you eat. However, the language of animals distinguishes only a few tastes.

And you have been given a mind that opens every lock like a key.

None of the senses and things that you have been given, such as eyes, tongue and mind, have been given to animals.

We have stated all this to ask you the following question:

Our Creator, being wise, certainly does not allow waste and does not work in vain.

Well, why did our all-wise creator go to such lengths and give us such invaluable insights?

I mean, why didn't he give us black-and-white eyes like animals?

Or why didn't he give a tongue like that of animals, which can distinguish only a few tastes?

Or why did he give us the mind to understand the most subtle arts?

Why did he place all-encompassing love in our hearts?

What is the reason for this?

Never say: "Someone doesn't have an idea, he just created it." Because from the beginning, we have come to a conclusion that the creator of this world is the ruler. And now, "This creator, who is the owner of wisdom, simply gave us all these valuable senses and wasted them; he has no idea!” you say He is not wise if he creates aimlessly and simply. If there is a ruler, he did not create it for nothing, and he certainly has a purpose.

Know that:

The one who created you like a wonderful work of art and gifted you with precious organs and senses surely has a purpose for this. These ideas cannot be discovered by the mind alone. They are taught to us only by prophets who have received revelation. To not recognize the prophets is to accept that all these conditions and intuitions are simply given to us and allowed to be wasted by our creator. This leads to the conclusion that the fighter is not the judge. All creatures exemplify this error. So, this conclusion is wrong, then surely prophets were sent, books were sent down and these ideas were taught to us. We believed and confirmed.

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