The truth we don't know: how did Muslims become "terrorists"?
If we analyze the current events, we will see that the foreign policy of the West remains and blames Islam for all the terrorist attacks committed by the majority of Muslims.
Because of this, it is more difficult to analyze the foreign policy of the West and study its connection with terrorism than to blame Islam for the attacks.
In fact, what we call today "Islamic terrorism" was not as popular as it is now before 1948. The reason is that at that time the Islamic world was relatively stable, Muslims lived peacefully in their own countries and traded freely with the West.
When the West openly recognized the rights of the Palestinians and established Israel, the Zionists used their weapons of conspiracy and extermination.
Western powers have consistently protected Israel from its Arab neighbors, which in turn has fueled ordinary people's hatred of the occupiers.
The Western countries, led by the USA, considered the Muslims fighting against Israel to be their enemies.
Under the pretext of protecting its borders, Israel has led a number of developed countries, including the United States, through lobbying to stoke the flames of war in the Middle East.
In this process, the political lobby and powerful Zionist Jews, who have a huge influence in US politics, played an important role.
Ultimately, the Zionists and their close associates turned the Middle East into a troubled region. After that, a group of Muslims appeared who were oppressed by the invaders, who lost their loved ones, and whose hearts burned with revenge against the West and Israel.
Because Israel is a hotbed of radical Zionism, it began to persecute Palestinians by seizing their homes. After various armed attacks, most of those who became refugees moved to the USA and Europe.
While some of the refugees were happy to find a safe haven for themselves, a certain part of them could not forget the ordeals and the reasons for it.
On the one hand, they were forced to seek refuge in a country that had contributed to the destruction of their now peaceful country.
Especially in times of wandering and oppression, the radicalization of people whose most valuable things have been taken away is natural.
Obviously, it was not Islam that made them aggressive towards their enemies, but the colonialists themselves.
But those who spread the seeds of discord on Earth under the guise of democracy did not want to recognize this fact. They unanimously decided to call Muslims "terrorists" and "radicals".
Today, houses belonging to Muslims are being destroyed without observing any international law. In turn, the number of Muslims who are angry about the actions of real terrorists is increasing.
A person who is ignorant of world history and the development of events cannot understand this. Because of this, it's easier to say, "Oh, it's Islam that makes people terrorist," than to admit that the environment created by the enemies of Islam is what makes people that way.
In addition, it will also impunity those in the administration of the United States and Israel. After all, people who are not aware of the real situation point their fingers at the Muslims, not at the conspirators.
Of course, no subversion it cannot be justified, but people who consider themselves to be conscious beings should have a good understanding of the current situation.
"It's Islam's fault!" to say that is the excuse of someone who doesn't want to study, lazy or naive. The worst thing is that some Muslims think like this, it's like giving the real criminals a "green light" to continue destroying the world.
The foreign policy pursued by Israel and its powerful partners, who are killing children and women today, spitting on the laws of war, is also aimed at misleading the world community. To understand the truth, we need some thinking, knowledge, intelligence, intelligence.
From the Censored People page on X's social network