Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan have announced that they will help Kyrgyzstan regarding the accident at the Bishkek TPP. In particular, Uzbekistan supplies liquefied gas cylinders to Osh.

Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan will help Kyrgyzstan to eliminate the consequences of the TPP accident in Bishkek. This was announced in telephone conversations between the heads of foreign affairs of these countries.

In particular, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, Bakhtiyor Saidov, in a telephone conversation with his Kyrgyz counterpart, Jeenbek Kulubov, informed that he will provide the necessary assistance to Kyrgyzstan at the request of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

"The Uzbek side sent cylinders of liquefied gas from Andijan to Osh as aid," the press service of the Kyrgyz MFA said .

Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Nurtleu had a telephone conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Jeenbek Kulubaev on issues of cooperation in regulating the situation around the Bishkek TPP, reported .

"The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan informed about the measures taken to restore the operation of the thermal power plant in Bishkek. He also expressed his gratitude for the support provided to Kazakhstan and the speedy resolution of the issue related to the increase in the volume of electricity supply from the Jambil state district power station," the report said.

In addition, Turkmenistan intends to provide humanitarian aid in the form of liquefied gas supplies in connection with the accident at the Bishkek TPP , according to the order of the President of this country, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan reported .

For information, on the night of February 2, an explosion occurred in one of the boilers of the Bishkek thermal power plant . The explosion caused problems with heat supply in 66 percent of the city's population. Schools and kindergartens were transferred to online teaching until February 5.

Five people were injured in the accident.

Kyrgyz President Sadir Japarov visited the thermal power station and inspected the progress of restoration works. The President took personal control of the situation and ordered to eliminate the consequences of the accident as soon as possible.

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