Akilbek Japarov.

Kyrgyz Prime Minister Akilbek Japarov put forward a proposal to ban divorced women from making negative comments about their ex-husband and his family on social networks. He explained his proposal by the fact that such performances contradict the traditions and values of the Kyrgyz people.

Divorced women in Kyrgyzstan may be banned from making negative comments about their ex-husband and his family on social media. This is reported by 24kg.

This initiative was put forward by the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, Akilbek Japarov. He instructed his deputy, Edil Baisalov, to start monitoring the speeches appearing on social networks.

According to Japarov, divorced women should not speak ill of their husbands and their parents, even if they really treated their daughters-in-law inappropriately.

"We must limit the spread of information that contradicts our traditions and customs. Some brides praise their father , but at the same time disparage their father-in-law and mother-in-law. And when they break up, they write their thoughts on social networks," said Japarov.

According to the publication, the official was not bothered by the negative opinion expressed by some men about their ex-wives, and he does not want to limit such speeches .

For information, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan , 13,100 cases of domestic violence were officially registered in the country in 2023, 95% of the victims were women.

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