Kyrgyz President Sadir Japarov, expressing concern over the discussion of the law "On Foreign Agents", asked US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken not to interfere in the country's internal affairs.

Kyrgyz President Sadir Japarov, expressing concern over the discussion of the law "On Foreign Agents", asked US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken not to interfere in the country's internal affairs.

Askat Alagozov, the press secretary of the Kyrgyz president, announced on his Facebook page Sadir Japarov's response to the letter of the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken , "Kaktus.Media" reports .

Alagozov Blinken reminded that earlier he sent a letter to the resident of Kyrgyzstan , expressing his concern about the bill on amendments to the law "On non-profit organizations", which is being considered in the Jogorku Kenesh parliament. On February 9, Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Jeenbek Kuluboyev handed over the letter of reply sent by Sadir Japarov to Anthony Blinken to US Ambassador Leslie Viger.

In his letter, Japarov expressed the opinion that "there are signs of interference in the internal affairs of our country" in the message of the US Secretary of State. However, he agreed with Blinken's opinion: "Your civil society has long been the strongest in the region and an important part of Kyrgyzstan's democracy. "

"Yes, it's true. I not only agree with your opinion, but I also want to emphasize that the desire for justice and freedom is the genetic code of our people, " wrote Japarov.

As for the main topic of the letter - the draft law on foreign agents, Japarov emphasizes that its purpose is to "clarify and regulate the activities of non-governmental/non-commercial organizations operating in the Kyrgyz Republic."

"At the same time, it should be recognized that some non-governmental/non-profit organizations receive funds not only from the USA and the European Union, but also from abroad," says the letter of the resident of Kyrgyzstan . "Of course, there is a problem directly related to the protection of the legal interests of the Kyrgyz states - there can and should be state control over the activities of mass media and non-governmental non-profit organizations financed by foreign countries or with foreign participation . "

From Japarov 's thoughts Based on its status, it can be concluded that the Kyrgyz state wants to control where the money comes from, by whom, how and for what purposes.

According to him, the concept of the draft law, which was developed on the initiative of Jogorku Kenesh deputies, is close to the concept of the current "Foreign Agents Registration Act" (FARA) adopted in the USA in 1938.

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