In Bishkek, a Palestinian woman opened a Palestinian national dishes kitchen called "Paseltina". 15 percent of the institution's income is sent to Palestine as humanitarian aid.

In Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, a Palestinian woman named Kifaya opened a national cuisine kitchen called "Palestina" together with her compatriots. Islamic magazine "Umma" reports about this.

It is noted that the institution sends 15% of its income to Palestine as humanitarian aid.

The posted video shows the kitchen decorated with Palestinian national costumes, kufiya and flags.

"The purpose of opening this kitchen is to show Arab, especially Palestinian, culture to all Kyrgyz people and the whole world," said Kifaya, the founder of the kitchen.

He added that the spices used in the dishes are specially imported from Palestine and Arab countries.

In the future, it is planned to prepare not only Arab national dishes, but also local dishes such as manti, lagmon, soup.

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