The Kyrgyz Parliament has adopted a law to change the design of the national flag.

Kyrgyz Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) has adopted a law on changing the state flag by a majority vote - from now on, the sun's rays will be straight instead of wavy in the drawing of the state symbol. 59 deputies voted for the adoption of the draft law, five voted against it, the press service of the republican parliament reports.

The flag of Kyrgyzstan, approved in 1992, is a red cloth with a sun disk in the center. The sun has 40 rays, representing the unification of ancient tribes. Inside the lamp, the light hole of the traditional house of the Kyrgyz people, "b o z-uy", is depicted.

At the end of September, the speaker of the country's parliament, Nurlanbek Shakiev, and MP Ulan Primov presented the project of changing the Kyrgyz flag for discussion. Lawmakers say the current solar design is likened by some to a sunflower and by others to the blades of grass. Therefore, the deputies proposed to change the shape of the sun's rays so that they are not wavy.

In addition, politicians proposed to depict four tunduk sticks on the flag instead of three. According to the historians cited by the speaker Shakiev, "only rich and self-sufficient Kyrgyz had four tunduk sticks in their houses, and poor people had three."

Sadir Japarov, a resident of the republic, supported the change of the flag. In October, the politician said that residents and guests of Kyrgyzstan have repeatedly compared the image on the flag to a sunflower. The leader of Kyrgyzstan said that the approval of the flag change by the deputies shows that "we will no longer be dependent."

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