The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has called on Pakistan to ensure a full and independent investigation into the circumstances surrounding the arbitrary detention of the former prime minister.

The arrest of former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan is arbitrary and against international law. This is stated in the report of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

According to the report, due to the arbitrary arrest of the former prime minister of Pakistan, immediate compensation and other measures should be taken in accordance with international law.

The organization pointed out that the accusations against the former prime minister of Pakistan have no legal basis, and that the accusations and harassment "seem politically motivated to prevent Khan from participating in the elections."

The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention called on Pakistan to ensure a full and independent investigation into Khan's arbitrary detention and to take appropriate action against those found to have violated his rights.

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan was arrested by the police on August 5, 2023 and sent to jail after a court issued an arrest warrant in a corruption case.

On August 29, a Pakistani court overturned Khan's three-year prison sentence and ordered his release on bail. However, on August 30, Khan was arrested again on charges of "divulging state secrets".

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