Imran Khan, the imprisoned former Prime Minister of Pakistan , intends to run for parliament .

The former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan is going to participate as a candidate in the election to the parliament of the republic on February 8. Gohar Khan, the chairman of the opposition "Movement for Justice" party, informed about this in Rawalpindi, local media reports.

Khan said that the jailed former prime minister will contest in three constituencies in Pakistan - Islamabad, Lahore and Mianwali.

Experts say that Khan will face a long legal battle to participate in the election. Experts say that the former prime minister technically has the right to enter parliament, but many cases have been opened against him.

Imran Khan was arrested by the police on August 5 after a court issued a warrant for his arrest in a corruption case.

On August 29, a Pakistani court suspended the 3-year prison sentence against former Prime Minister Imran Khan and released him on bail. However, on August 30, Khan was arrested again on charges of "divulging state secrets".

On December 2, lawyer Gohar Khan became the new chairman of the "For Justice" movement.

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