Citizens of Niger organized a demonstration demanding the withdrawal of US troops from the north of the country. The protests began after the military leadership planned to withdraw from a military agreement with the United States as part of its policy of moving away from the West and closer to Russia.

Hundreds of Nigerien citizens staged a demonstration demanding the withdrawal of American troops from northern Niger. The protests began after the West African nation's military leadership said it was pulling out of a military deal with the United States as part of Niamey's broader policy of moving away from the West and closer to Russia, TRT reported .

The demonstration, which was attended by several members of the military leadership and the governor of Niamey, took place in front of the US embassy.

The crowd chanted : " Down with American imperialism" and "People's freedom is on the march ." Flags of Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Russia were seen during the demonstration .

Last month, Niger's government demanded the "immediate" cancellation of the military cooperation agreement with the United States . Niger's government expressed regret at the US delegation's "willingness to deprive the sovereign people of Niger of the right to choose their partners. "

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