American creature: How an Afghan general carried out US-backed killings?
An investigation conducted by The New York Times revealed that Afghan general Abdul Raziq has abducted, tortured, and extrajudicially executed thousands of local people using unlimited powers granted by the United States. According to the publication, he received the nickname "American creature" during the time he was in charge of the police of Kandahar region.
General Abdul Raziq, one of Afghanistan's most powerful local military officers supported by the US, carried out kidnappings, torture and extrajudicial killings of Afghan civilians. This is reported by The New York Times, which conducted an investigation.
With the support of the USA, Abdul Raziq was appointed as the head of the police of Kandahar region. Thus, the security forces under his command were given complete carte blanche (unfettered authority) to overuse.
According to the publication, under his leadership, he turned the police force into a "fearless fighting force without any restrictions": his officers kidnapped hundreds, if not thousands, of people to be killed or tortured in secret prisons.
Despite all the honors bestowed by the American command, many Afghans believe that Abdul Raziq only waged a "brutal US-backed campaign against civilians."
As a result, he earned the nickname "American monster" and also alienated the people of Kandahar, discredited the American contingent and encouraged people to support the Taliban.
We remind you that Abdul Raziq was killed in an attack on October 18, 2018. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack.

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