14 pilgrims from Jordan died during the Hajj in Saudi Arabia. This was reported by "Yeni Şafak" newspaper.

It is noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jordan announced that "14 Jordanian pilgrims were killed and 17 others were missing" during the pilgrimage to Mecca. In most cases, it is said that the death of pilgrims is caused by abnormal heat and dehydration.

Earlier, Ayman Ghulam, head of Saudi Arabia's National Meteorological Center, warned that "the climate expected for this year's Hajj will increase the average temperature in Mecca and Medina by 1.5-2 degrees [Celsius]." During last year's Hajj season, more than 2,000 pilgrims suffered from heat stroke.

The Saudi Ministry of Health has asked pilgrims not to be outdoors between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. due to the sudden rise in temperature.

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