The President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, announced measures to turn construction into a "corruption-free sector" at a meeting held on Monday . In particular, m officials were instructed to re-develop 105 outdated construction standards based on advanced foreign experience.

The President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, announced measures to turn construction into a "corruption-free sector" at a meeting held on Monday, the press secretary of the head of state, Sherzod Asadov, reported .

Accordingly, from July 1:

all construction contracts will be digitized;

construction works performed by contracting organizations are financed only based on the electronic invoice submitted to the tax authority;

the process of accepting the object into use is digitized, and the documents are confirmed through "Transparent construction";

The procedure for selecting subcontractors for projects worth more than 10 billion soums will be established exclusively through the "Transparent Construction" system. This procedure is also applied to projects implemented with international financial organizations;

There will be a system where both the manufacturer, the builder and the supervisor will track the cost of building materials online.

In order to regulate planning in construction, the Ministry of Construction established a Project Office. SHE IS:

during the development of projects with a value of more than 10 billion soums, he evaluates together with the designers that they meet safety and energy efficiency standards, and that the cost has not been artificially increased;

annually develops at least 2-3 model projects in each of the fields such as school, kindergarten, medicine, road, drinking water and heat supply.

From now on, project documents without the recommendation of the Project Office will not be accepted for state examination.

Officials were instructed to redevelop 105 outdated construction standards based on advanced foreign experience.

The Prosecutor General's Office was tasked with creating a system to put an end to the hidden economy in all processes, from the extraction of construction materials to the delivery of finished products to the consumer.

Tasks were also given to implement the procedure for making all purchases made from the budget through the "E-warehouse" platform of the Tax Committee, to start the electronic platform for the classification of construction materials.

The head of state noted that the current conditions in construction force designers to work "in the shadows", increase the cost of the project, and corruption covers all processes related to project design, tender, construction and acceptance of the project. It is planned to introduce the "volume method" instead of the "resource method" in the field.

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