The 46th and current president of the United States, Joe Biden, announced that he will not participate in the elections to be held in November this year. 81-year-old Biden announced that he will nominate Kamala Harris from the Democratic Party to replace him. What are Kamala Harris's chances of winning, will the exchange of personalities in the US lead to a change in politics - the view.

Joe Biden announced that he will not participate in the November presidential elections in the United States. He stated this in a letter published on the X social network on July 21.

"Serving as your president is the greatest honor of my life. "Although I intend to run for re-election, I believe that in the interests of my party and my country, I should decline my candidacy and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the rest of my term," he said in an address to Americans.

81-year-old Biden, who contracted the coronavirus for the third time, promised to address the nation on television in the coming days.

Shortly thereafter, Vice President Kamala Harris announced her candidacy for the US presidency.

If you remember, earlier we wrote about the fact that many billionaires donating funds to the election campaign of the Democratic Party are worried about Biden's condition. Dissatisfaction and criticism intensified especially after his defeat in the June 27 debate with Republican representative, former president and billionaire Donald Trump.

So, will Joe Biden's exit from the presidential race and a woman take his place, even if the Democrats win, cause a change in US politics? Or what will change if the government of the country passes into the hands of Republicans in the person of Donald Trump?

It is difficult to give clear answers to these questions in advance, but it is possible to draw approximate conclusions by looking at the recent and distant past of the United States. Yes, individuals cannot change anything in America, and those who try to change will be shot like the 35th president of the country, John F. Kennedy, on November 22, 1963. It is true that there was no evidence that this assassination was related to various conspiracy theories, but Kennedy's plans to end the Cold War, to reach an agreement with the former Allies on the partial limitation of nuclear activities, to withdraw troops from Vietnam, "breathed war and blood", financed presidential races and created a powerful lobby. It is clear that billionaires, arms manufacturers and merchants will not like it.

The above-mentioned "billionaires who are dissatisfied with Biden" are still "drawing" and "measuring" the US policy. However, the country's politics and fate in general is not in the hands of only one group. There is also a strong opposition - Republicans. That is, at the same time supporters of Donald Trump.

A look back at Republican presidential terms gives the impression that they mostly want to see America stronger and richer. That is, during their time, the USA will stay away from various international conflicts and focus more on solving its internal issues. For example, on January 27, 1973, Republican Richard Nixon signed the Paris Peace Accords to end the 15-year war of attrition in Vietnam, which ended with the defeat of the United States. Soon after, on August 8, 1974, he was impeached after the infamous Watergate affair, becoming the only US president to end his term early. Yes, the billionaires took pity on him.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, in which the United States wrote its bloody paws, were started by Democratic presidents and ended by Republicans (more precisely, they were turned into proxy wars). Please note that during the first African-American president of the USA, the Democrat Barack Obama (it is difficult to say what religion he believes in, but it is known that he was born in a Muslim family and did not perform religious practices - the author), the American troops resumed large-scale attacks on Iraq.

But the above does not mean that Republicans are good and Democrats are bad. Both fronts are actually controlled and financed by powerful lobbies. Republicans have been especially harsh on immigrants, imposing restrictive, deportable policies that also apply to the country's millions of Muslim immigrants.

To sum up, a country built on blood and weapons, in a sense, fights under the hands of one group, and under the hands of the other, it gathers strength and prepares for the next massacres. However, even for a moment, he does not turn away from the idea of evil and oppression. And Muslims must return to their identity, hold fast to the rope of God, not be divided, and be firm in their place. They should read and study the word of God and build their lives on its basis.


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