The Parliament of Azerbaijan responded to the decision of the French Senate

In response to the French Senate's decision to impose sanctions against Baku, the Azerbaijani parliament instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take measures to recognize the sovereignty of the French independent territories of Kanaka, Maoxi Nui and Corsica.

The Committee on International Relations and Interparliamentary Relations of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan (Parliament) adopted a statement regarding the decision of the French Senate.

The document notes that due to the anti-Azerbaijan policy pursued by the French government, including the resolutions against Baku adopted in both houses of the French parliament, relations between the two countries have fallen to the lowest level in history and can be considered to have actually been suspended.

The committee ordered the Azerbaijani government to impose sanctions against France, freeze all assets of French officials in Azerbaijan, stop all economic ties with France, and expel all French companies from Azerbaijan, including Total. recommended withdrawing the company and preventing French companies from participating in any projects commissioned by Azerbaijan.

Also, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan was instructed to take measures to recognize the sovereignty of the territories of Kanak (New Caledonia, a French colony in the Pacific Ocean) , Maohi Nui ( Maohinui , Tahiti) and Corsica, which claim independence from France.

Earlier, the French Senate passed a resolution with 336 votes and 1 against imposing sanctions against Azerbaijan.

The document mentions support for Armenia's territorial integrity and calls for the withdrawal of Azerbaijani troops from Karabakh. In addition, they condemned the "arrest of political leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh" and demanded their immediate release. Also, guarantees of the Armenian population's right to return to Nagorno-Karabakh were demanded.

The resolution of the French Senate calls for the strictest measures to be taken against Baku, including the confiscation of the property of Azerbaijani officials and the introduction of an embargo on the import of gas and oil from Azerbaijan.

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