It was discovered that an explosive device was placed in an ambush in a school in Khojavand, which was liberated from Armenian occupation.

In one of the schools in the Khojavand district of Azerbaijan, which was freed from the occupation of Armenia, it was found that the Armenian mine ambush has dried up.

"Repeated encounters with booby traps and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) during demining operations in de-occupied areas confirm Armenia's policy of terrorism against Azerbaijanis," Azerbaijan's human rights representative (ombudsman) Sabina Aliyeva said in a statement. in the explanation.

In a school located in the village of Emishjan, during a quick operation conducted by the National Mine Action Agency (ANAMA), an F-1 hand grenade was found taped to a desk in one of the classrooms.

The installation of a trap in the educational institution, which was switched to combat mode and fixed with a rope to the seat and door handle, indicates that the terror was directed against the civilian population, the report said.

The ombudsman of Azerbaijan strongly condemned the criminal actions of Armenia, along with gross violations of the basic human rights and freedoms of civilians, and called on international organizations to respond firmly to this crime.

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