05.03.2025 12:44

The deputy governor of Tashkent region allegedly threatened the Otinoys and ordered them to wrap their headscarves from behind.

Reports have spread on social media that the deputy governor of Tashkent region, Ilhom Arzikulov, is opposing the hijab of the Atinoi. It is noted that the newly appointed deputy governor of Tashkent region for relations with public and religious organizations insisted during a meeting with the Atinoi that it is not permissible to wear a hijab, and that the Atinoi should also wrap their headscarves from behind. He tried to justify his words with a fatwa in quotation marks, which states that in the Hanafi school of thought, the headscarf is wrapped from behind.
The deputy governor also boasted that he had done the same thing when he worked in the Kashkadarya region. It is said that the deputy governor was very rude to the women gathered, even beating up elderly women.
He also criticized the imams, adding that he would personally meet and talk to their families - their wives and children - because everyone was becoming radicalized.
These words of the deputy governor contradict not only the law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations", but also the recently adopted "State Concept in the Religious Sphere" of Uzbekistan. After all, it was intended to guarantee the right of citizens to freedom of conscience. In addition, issuing a "false fatwa" without religious knowledge is also against any law or regulation.
However, in our sect, which the official emphasizes, it is emphasized by all Hanafi scholars that women cover their private parts other than their faces.

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