Recently, some biased mass media, whose aim is to divide the society, have been spreading "calls" based on warnings such as "radicalization is increasing in secular society" and "if it is not prevented, a state based on caliphate and Sharia will be established."

So, are such claims and "calls" based on statistical, scientific evidence or the conclusions of experts in the field?! Or some Islamophobic radical atheist and radical liberal groups who want to divide the society, have malicious intentions, want to destroy the national, historical, and religious sanctities of the people, want to poison the mind and thinking with their baseless and unproven arguments?!

And we respond to the "facts" they claim with scientific and proven facts. Our statements are based on scientific evidence, not on passion and empty words.

Therefore, a secular state means first of all a legal-democratic state with equal rights and freedom. That is, a secular state does not mean atheism. The basis of the secular state is the equal protection of religious and non-religious people's religious rights. Unfortunately, some of the above-mentioned radical groups interpret this in a different way, calling the religious group "radical", calling themselves liberal, and making claims without understanding the concept and principle of a secular state.

There are two main goals of secularism, the first of which is that people belonging to different denominations and religious views in the society are equal before the law, and the second is that no religious group is discriminated by the law.

However, as we said above, those who call religious conversion "radicalization" actually pose a real threat to society.

For example, the term "secular radicalism" appeared in France. This is related to the prohibitions adopted by the government against the religious community. For example, on March 15, 2004, the ban on schoolgirls wearing headscarves in French schools, and the banning of prayer ceremonies in public places in 2011 led to the increase of radicalism in society, the development of "secular radicalism" and the violation of the rights and freedoms of religious people. As a result, the government caused many protests.  

Current legal scholars, including Raymond Weeks, Fredrick Judson, Henry George Tucker, and others, point out that it is a worrying situation that states are misinterpreting the principle of secularism, that secularism means restricting religious freedoms. That is, "secular radicalism" is an effort to separate religion from the life of the state and society as a whole. And we can see it in the claims of some of the people we mentioned above.  

"Secular radicalism" is defined as:

1. Strict restrictions on religious symbols:

Ban on wearing religious clothing and symbols in public places, schools and government institutions.

2. Restriction of religious education:

Ban religious education in public schools and encourage the removal of religious content from the curriculum.

Force religious schools to adhere to secular education standards.

3. Promotion of "secular" "values":

Active promotion of "values" that conflict with religious values, including LGBT, feminism, "naked" days, desecration of religious sanctities, etc.

Calling the society to immorality through mass media, art and education, restricting religious information to the religious class, etc.

As a result of this, it is clear that economists, technicians, engineers, doctors, teachers, etc., who are religious in society, will leave that country and society en masse, which in turn will lead the country to crises and social problems.

This can lead to a huge religious "hunger" in the society, an increase in the dreaded "radicalism", and most dangerously, it can lead to protests and a sharp violation of values in the society.

Therefore, the application and interpretation of secularism should be defined taking into account the historical, cultural and social aspects of that society and state.

It is necessary to learn from the mistake of the completely secular French state, which did the opposite. It is necessary to present the principle of secularism to the society with rights, not with prohibitions.

Groundless fears of the society, bans on religious paintings, closure of religious educational institutions and synagogues - all these are decisions against the principle of secularism. In our opinion, it is time to fear radical Islamophobes, not religious people in society, to control them, to put an end to their activities! It's time to ask for scientific proof of every claim they make! It's time to protect the religious sanctities that have elevated our nation and society, our peaceful country like Uzbekistan, throughout history!

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