Another 35 families of 138 people are returning to the city of Fuzuli, Azerbaijan, which was occupied by Armenians from August 23, 1993 to November 9, 2020. Thus, the number of families who returned to this city, where new houses were built, increased by 666. Their children also study in a school built by Uzbekistan.

On Friday, March 29, 35 families of 138 people left Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, for Fuzuli, which was liberated from Armenian occupation. Anadolu reported about it. These families were moved to the interior of the country during the Armenian invasion.

Thus, 666 families or 2517 people will be permanently settled in the city. Families relocated to Fizuli will settle in newly built houses

From August 23, 1993 to November 9, 2020, the city of Fuzuli and a large part of the region were under Armenian occupation. During this time, Fuzuli became a ghost town.

On October 17, 2020, during the Second Karabakh War, Fizuli returned to Azerbaijan's control. After the victory in the 44-day war, Azerbaijan began large-scale reconstruction and construction in the liberated areas, including Fuzuli.

In Azerbaijan, the process of returning the former internally displaced persons to the restored city of Fuzuli, which was carried out on the basis of the order of the country's president, Ilhom Aliyev, continues.

It should be noted that Uzbekistan also contributed to the construction and restoration process in Fuzuli. In particular, the 1st general education school built in the city at the expense of the budget of Uzbekistan was " the first gift of a foreign country in the revival of Karabakh".

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