Kyrgyzstan will build a school at its own expense in the village of Khidirli, Agdam district of Azerbaijan, freed from Armenian occupation. Sadir Japarov and Ilhom Aliev jointly laid the foundation stone of this school. The heads of state also took part in the opening ceremony of the restored historic Juma Mosque in Agdam.

As part of the official visit of the Kyrgyz President Sadir Japarov to Azerbaijan, he visited Fuzuli and Agdam districts freed from Armenian occupation.

A foundation stone laying ceremony was held for a general education school planned to be built at the expense of Kyrgyzstan in Khidirli village of Agdam district.

The presidents visited the ruins of Fuzuli during the Armenian occupation. They were informed about the restoration and reconstruction works being carried out here.

Then Aliev and Japarov went to the city of Agdam, visited the historical monuments there, got acquainted with the reconstruction and restoration works. Heads of state took part in the opening ceremony of the restored historic Juma Mosque in Agdam.

Aliev and Japarov laid the first stone on the foundation of the school to be built by Kyrgyzstan in Khidirli village of Agdam.

It is noted that 2.7 hectares of land has been allocated for the construction of a general education school in the village of Khidirli. There will be 22 classrooms in the building, which will consist of two floors above ground and one underground. In addition, the school will have a sports and meeting hall, 2 workrooms , a library, physics-chemistry and biology laboratories, 2 computer rooms , and an elementary military training room . A sports field, a shop , seats will be installed on the school territory, and a boiler house will be built. Construction work is planned to be completed by the end of 2024.

It should be noted that Uzbekistan also contributed to the construction and restoration process in Fuzuli. In particular, the 1st general education school built by Uzbekistan in the city was "the first gift of a foreign country in the revival of Karabakh".


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