The name of the first stage is called "death day". No one knows anything about this day, not even realizing that it has come and that he will die on this day. A person does not know that this time has come, but he feels that some changes are happening in his body. For example, on that day, a believer's heart will light up, his heart will taste peace and happiness. On the contrary, a poor person is depressed and his heart is crushed.

Death consists of six stages:

The first stage is called "death day". A person's life ends on this day. Allah Ta'ala orders the angels in heaven to come down to the earth to take the soul of the servant and prepare it to go to Allah Ta'ala.

Unfortunately, no one knows anything about this day, not even realizing that it has come and that they will die on this day. A person does not know that this time has come, but he feels that some changes are happening in his body. For example, on that day, a believer's heart will light up, his heart will taste peace and happiness. On the contrary, a poor person is depressed and his heart is crushed. At this stage, the devils see the angels descending, but man cannot see it. This stage is described in the Holy Qur'an as follows: " Fear the Day when (all of you) will be returned to Allah! Then every soul (owner) will be given what it has done (reward or punishment) and no injustice will be done to them" (Surat al-Baqara, verse 281).

After that, the second stage begins. At this stage, the spirit in the body is gradually removed. That is, it starts from the bottom of the feet and gradually reaches the ankles, knees, abdomen, chest, and finally reaches the highest part of the human body. The name of that place is called "taraki" (hikildoq). At the same time, a person feels severe fatigue and dizziness. He feels as if he is under a lot of pressure, he has no will to get up. His body is getting weaker and weaker. However, even in this case, he does not understand that his soul is leaving his body.

Then the third stage is reached and its name is "combing". This stage is also mentioned in the Qur'an: "No! When John got the hiccups. "Anyone to relax"? when said. When he knew that it was separation, when the shins hit each other" (Qiyamat surah, verses 26-29).

"Comb" refers to the two large bones under the larynx that go towards the shoulders. His relatives who saw him in this state asked, "Is there anyone to rest?" one of them runs to the doctor, the other to the ambulance. Others say that it is necessary to rest by reading the verses of the Qur'an. Some commentators interpret this verse as: Who will take his life, the angels of mercy or the angels of torment? those who said that they argue.

Even in this case, a person hopes to return to life, and does not know that his soul is leaving his body. "When he knew it was separation (firah)." Until then, he did not believe that he was saying goodbye to life. However, his soul has already left his shins, and he is not able to move them "when the shins hit each other."

After that, it comes to the fourth stage - "larynx". This fourth stage is the last and the most difficult stage of death for a person. This is because at that stage the barrier, the veil in front of his eyes is lifted and he sees the angels around him. This is where the period of transition to the hereafter begins . " (O man!) You were heedless of this (difficult day) . So We have opened your veil from you. Now, today, your eyes are sharp" (Surat al-Qaf, verse 22).

The reason why this stage is called "throat" is based on this verse: "So when (a person's soul) reaches the throat (at the time of death) , while at that time you are looking (without doing anything). We are nearer to him than you, but you do not see (it)" (Surah al-Waqa'a, verses 83-85).

Allah Almighty addressed the people around the dead body: you are standing around it, but it is in another place. You see one thing and he sees another.

In fact, at that moment he will either see God's mercy or, may God protect him, see His anger. Because of this, the corpse remains fixed on one point at that time.

This stage is the most difficult place in the acquisition of the soul of a person. Because, in this state, he finds the truth of God's promises, sees angels, and his actions during his life are brought before his eyes. This is the time of the "death plot".

In "Death Conspiracy", the devil comes and begins to cast doubt on a person's faith. It encourages blasphemy about Allah, the Prophet, religion, the Qur'an, etc. As much as he can, he tries to make this person apostate, to leave the world as a disbeliever. When the angel of death comes and takes his life, the devil knows very well that it is the last chance for him, so he tries with all his might to give the last blow with a stronger blow than in the past. That is why the Holy Qur'an reminds us to pray to Allah to protect us from the temptation of death. Say: "O my Lord! I ask You to protect me from the temptations of the devils. And I seek refuge in You, O Lord, from them coming to me" (Surah Mu'minun, verses 97-98).

In one of the hadiths of our Prophet, peace be upon him, he said: "He who lives in the faith will die in that faith." That is, if a person believed in Islam during his life and lived with love for Allah, His Prophet and his ummah, he will leave this world in this state.

From this place, the fifth stage begins. At this time, the angel of death comes, and only then does a person fully understand whether he is one of those who deserve mercy or one who deserves punishment. At this stage, he sees the results of his actions and is informed about his destination.

Our Prophet, peace be upon him, explained this stage in detail through his hadiths. In particular, it is said about the condition of a servant who is drowning in sins and vices and at the same time does not repent and does not return from his sins. " (I swear) by the (angels) who take the souls of the disbelievers out of their bodies , and (the angels) who take out (the souls of the believers easily) " (Surah Nozi'ot, verses 1-2).

According to Rasulullah alayhissalam, a group of angels will bring a shroud made of hellfire and torment the soul of a disobedient servant. This difficult situation is described in the Holy Qur'an as follows: "So, when the angels hit their faces and legs and take their lives, what will happen to them?!" (Surah Muhammad, verse 27).

And finally, we have reached the decisive last stage . At this stage, the human soul reaches the highest point of the body, i.e. rises above the "comb" part, passes through the mouth and reaches the nose, and is ready to surrender itself to the angel of death. If a person is a disobedient servant, the angel of death will say to him: O unclean spirit, go to the wrath of God to burn in the fire. Then a person will say: "O my Lord! Bring me back (to life again) ! Maybe if I do well in the place I left (the world),'' he says. No! (It is non-refundable) . It's really a word he's saying. Behind them, until the day of resurrection, there will be a barrier (between the two worlds)" (Surah Mu'minun, verses 99-100).

Allah, the Exalted, says: "The drunkenness of death (the time of death) has really come. (O man!) This (death) is what you avoid" (Surat al-Qaf, verse 19).

"Drunkenness of death" is a condition in which all the organs stop moving, and all the organs are locked. A person runs away from this very moment throughout his life. "Say: "Death, which you are running away from, will surely come to you! Then you will be returned to the Knower of the hidden and the revealed. So (He) will inform you of your past deeds" (Surah Juma, verse 8).

If a person is a believer, it will be said to him: O pure soul, soul in a pure body, go to the presence of your Lord who is not angry, to enjoy the basil. Then the soul comes out without being noticed, like a drop dripping from the mouth of a water container, or, in another narration, like pulling wool from dough. Addressing such a soul: "Oh, calm (quiet) soul! Return to your Lord when you are pleased (and pleased by God)! So join my (righteous) servants and enter my paradise! (Surah Fajr, verses 27-30) is said.

O Allah, grant us to pass in faith and be worthy of this address.

Hamidjon teacher Ishmatbekov


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