Allah, the Exalted, constantly warns us that the devil is an open enemy of the human child, and orders us to behave accordingly: "Surely, the devil is your enemy, so treat him as an enemy! He invites his sect (those who follow him) to be the people of Hell. (Fatir, 6) . Accordingly, our attitude towards a friend should be different from our attitude towards a friend.

Also, Allah the Exalted tells us that the only enemy of humanity is the devil and the deeds that are loved by the devil. Therefore, it is ignorance to like the actions of the devil, and to please him is to go astray. If we hate the things that make the devil happy and give him strength, we are among the winners. If we choose another path, it will destroy our two worlds. God bless!

We need sufficient knowledge based on the Qur'an and Sunnah to distinguish between friend and enemy. As in any battle, fighting the devil requires a powerful weapon and skill in its use. A powerful weapon for a Muslim is faith and trust. The skill of using it is knowledge and persistence. Our strength is our courage, enthusiasm and determination.

" (Iblis) said: "O my Lord! I swear that now that you have led me astray, I will certainly show them (the children of Adam) beautifully (all the sins) on earth and I will certainly lead them all astray. Only your devoted servants among them (are excepted) " (Hijr, 39-40) . So, as he said, the devil will use all his weapons and fight against us. For example, it adorns ignorance to deprive us of knowledge, doubt and mistrust to deprive us of faith and sincerity, and cowardice and laziness to weaken our determination.

"Then I will come to them from before them, behind them, from their right and from their left (to confuse them) . (As a result) you will not find most of them grateful" (A'rof, 17) .

One of the secret and powerful weapons of the devil is to increase the feeling of dissatisfaction with life, thus leading to rebellion; it is tormenting us by putting us in a vortex of depression, despair, ingratitude. It is certain that those who fall for these tricks will be deprived of all good things. In fact, this is the only intention of Satan.

The greatest and most difficult struggle in our religion is the struggle against the ego. In other words, it is a desire to stand up to satanic feelings and thoughts and approach the Lord with a clean face. Of course, this path is full of difficulties and hardships. In order to overcome them, we must use all the possibilities to the end . (Oli Imran, 142) .

Allah Almighty describes the good news of the winners in this battle as follows: "As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, surely We will not waste the reward of those who do good deeds. It is for them that there are eternal gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they are adorned with golden bracelets and clothed in shining silken robes and recline on suri. What a good reward it is, what a beautiful place it is!” (Kahf, 30-31) .

This hopeful verse urges us to be grateful to God Almighty and be content with the life He has given us, no matter what trials we face in the struggle with Satan and our ego. After all, nothing happens without God's will and knowledge. The temporary hardships ahead of us are for a good outcome worth striving for and fighting for!


Daughter of Dilafroz SALAHIDDIN

prepared .

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