US President Joe Biden's authorization to target Houthi military facilities in Yemen has caused criticism from members of the Democratic Party. He is accused of violating Article 1 of the US Constitution by "carrying out airstrikes against Yemen without congressional approval."

US President Joe Biden was criticized by members of the Democratic Party after he authorized the United States and Britain to launch airstrikes on military facilities belonging to the Ansarullah (Houthi) movement in Yemen on Friday morning. This is reported by the US "Bloomberg" agency.

On Friday, Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib accused Biden of violating Article 1 of the US Constitution by "conducting airstrikes in Yemen without congressional approval."

Condemning Biden's decision on Platform X, Tlayb wrote , "The American people are tired of endless war."

Another Democratic Party representative, Mark Pocan, believed that the US "cannot get involved in another decades-long conflict without the authorization of Congress."

In a similar stance, Democratic Rep. Pramila Jaipal called Biden's move an "unacceptable violation of the Constitution," while Rep. Summer Lee said the president should come to Congress before the US launches an attack and enters another conflict.

"Americans do not want to finance these endless wars with their tax dollars ," he added.

Democratic Representative Cory Bush also mentioned that the American people do not want taxpayers' money to go to endless wars.

For his part, the representative of the US Democratic Party, Ro Hanna, said : "The president should come to Congress before attacking Yemen and dragging us into another conflict in the Middle East; it is stipulated in Article 1 of this Constitution".

U.S. representative Valerie Howell also emphasized this point, saying that "every president must first come to Congress and ask for military authorization, regardless of which party he belongs to."

And Barbara Lee called for an "immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip to avoid an escalation of devastating, costly and deadly violence in the region" and: "That's why I called for an early ceasefire (in Gaza). That's why I voted against the continuation of the war in Iraq." he added.

Republicans also criticized Biden's decision. Congress Senator Rand Paul accused the US president of "again acting without constitutional authority" and emphasized that Congress is "the only body authorized to conduct such military operations."

At the moment, demonstrators are protesting against the US bombing of Yemen in front of the White House.

In New York's "Times" square, anti-war protesters are demanding the withdrawal of the United States from the Middle East, repeating slogans like "Imperialism from Palestine to Yemen is a crime."

It should be noted that on Friday morning, the United States and Britain launched a military offensive against Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, as well as several provinces. As a result of the attacks, at least 5 Houthi soldiers were killed and 6 were injured.

According to the statement of the White House, in addition to the United States and Britain, 10 countries, namely Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand and South Korea, participated in the attacks.

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