According to US intelligence, Iran plans to retaliate against Israel using Shahed drones and cruise missiles. It is noted that Iran will attack the embassy of Israel in one of the countries of the region on April 5-10.

According to US intelligence, Iran plans to retaliate against Israel using Shahed drones and cruise missiles. This was reported by CBS News based on its sources.

It is noted that Iran's response will be proportional: that is, an attack on the Israeli embassy in one of the countries of the region. It is expected to take place on April 5-10.

It should be noted that on Monday, April 1, the Israeli aviation launched a missile attack on the building of the Iranian consulate in the capital of Syria. As a result, the consulate building was completely destroyed, and 11 people, including 7 Iranian soldiers, were killed. Among the victims were two high-ranking generals of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Shortly after the incident, Iran's ambassador to Syria, Hossein Akbari, announced that his country would respond "swiftly, directly and decisively." Such statements were later repeated by the country's leadership several times.

The New York Times reported that Iran has put its Armed Forces on heightened alert to retaliate against Israel.

Mohammad Jamshidi X, deputy head of the Iranian presidential office for political affairs, posted on his social network: "In a written message, Iran warned the US leadership not to fall into (the Israeli Prime Minister's) trap." Benjamin) Netanyahu. Move to the side to avoid getting hit. In response, the United States asked Iran not to attack American targets," he wrote.

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