Israeli warplanes fired a missile at the Iranian consulate building in the Syrian capital. As a result, five people - diplomats and military advisers, including the general of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, Mohammad Reza Zahidi, were killed. The building was completely destroyed.

Israel carried out an air attack on the building of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, the capital of Syria, as a result of which 5 people were killed.

According to Iran's official IRNA news agency, Iran's ambassador to Damascus, Akbari, announced that Israel launched 6 missile attacks on the building of the Iranian consulate in Damascus using F-35 fighter jets.

According to Tesnim agency, the consular building in the complex of the Iranian embassy in Damascus was damaged as a result of the attack. According to local sources, 5 people were killed, including General Mohammad Reza Zahidi of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Akbari, who said that at least five people, including diplomats and military advisers, were killed in the attack, said that the exact number and names of the victims would be known after the debris was cleared.

The ambassador added that Iran would respond "swiftly, directly and decisively" to the attack.

On the other hand, Syria's SANA news agency, citing military sources, claims that a building in the Mezze neighborhood of Damascus was attacked by the Israeli air force.

"Air defense systems shot down several missiles," the agency said in a statement.

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