After Israel carried out an airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Syria, killing several of its generals, official Tehran promised to give a suitable and severe response soon. The Israeli press also reported on the possibility of attacks from the territory of Iran within 48 hours. But can Iran start a war against Israel?

On Monday, April 1, Israel's American-made F-35 fighter jet entered the territory of Syria and fired 6 missiles at the building of the Iranian consulate in Damascus. As a result, the consulate building was completely destroyed, and 11 people, including 7 Iranian soldiers, were killed. Among the victims were two high-ranking generals of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Shortly after the incident, Iran's ambassador to Syria, Hossein Akbari, announced that his country would respond "swiftly, directly and decisively." Such statements were later repeated by the country's leadership several times. In particular, the supreme leader of Iran, Ali Khomeini:

"The evil Zionist establishment will receive its punishment and we will make them repent of their actions," he said.

It's the fourth day. However, Iran has not yet given a "quick" answer. And it looks like we'll be waiting a long time for that day to come. Perhaps until the birth of Imam Mahdi or the descent of Jesus. Yes, that's right, there are reports that Iran will respond to Israel within 48 hours. Apparently, drones and rockets are launched directly from the territory of Iran towards Israel.

The Israeli army is also talking about the need to prepare for a possible attack by Iran. But can Iran, with a population of 90 million, avenge its generals on Israel, with a population of 9 million? Does he have the courage and opportunity to do so? Or, as always, will he be satisfied with hundreds of thousands of demonstrations, burning Israeli flags and shouting?

There is another tried-and-tested way: to get a little revenge on Israel through its proxy groups in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen. But Israel, not Pakistan, could respond to an attack with an immediate attack. After all, the entire United States is behind him.

On top of that, at the same time that someone was talking about surrendering to Israel, the Sunni-Baloch militant group "Jaish al-Adl" took control of several bases, police stations and other objects of the ICRC in Chekhbehar province in the south-east of the country. Three members of the IIKK were killed in the shootings.

It is not clear whether these attacks were accidental or carried out by Israel. But it is better to wait for the coming of Imam Mahdi or Jesus than predicting a war between Iran and Israel. Leave your cucumbers and drinks for other shows.

Sanjar Said

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