Former American leader Donald Trump said that he had good relations with Russia during his presidency. He also noted that the conflict in Ukraine would never have happened if he had been the country's president.

Former US leader Donald Trump said that he had good relations with Russia during his presidency.

"I had a very good relationship with Putin, " Trump said in Florida. His speech was broadcast on the YouTube channel of the conservative media company RSBN .

At the same time, the former head of the USA emphasized that the conflict in Ukraine would never have happened if he had been the country's president.

Let us remind you that earlier Trump said that the leaders of Russia and China, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping , love their countries and want them to succeed, writes TASS.

The former head of the American administration has repeatedly stated in his public speeches that if he wins the US presidential elections in November 2024, he will resolve the situation in Ukraine within 24 hours, but he has not revealed how he will achieve peace.

Most experts believe that the current administration in the White House , with its eyes on re-election due to its failed policies, has damaged relations with Russia to such an extent that they cannot be restored even if Trump wins.

In his turn, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with CBS that Moscow doubts that the Trump administration can change the conflict in Ukraine.

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