Mufti Muqaddas-Hazrat Bibarsov, the head of the religious administration of Volga Muslims, criticized the fatwa of the Mufti of Dagestan on the " temporary" prohibition of the niqab . "It is very sad that the Mufti of Dagestan followed the lead of those who are shaking the religious situation in the country..." he wrote.

Mufti Muqaddas-hazrat Bibarsov, the head of the religious administration of Volgaboyi Muslims, criticized the fatwa of the mufti of Dagestan temporarily banning the niqab, calling the events "inciting and shaking the topic of Muslims".

"It is very sad that the mufti of Dagestan followed the lead of those who are shaking the religious situation in the country..." writes the representative of the Islamic clergy of Russia.

"I did not understand the statement of the Mufti of Dagestan... How appropriate is it to raise the issue of the niqab at such a difficult time for the country? - asked the head of the religious administration of Volgaboyi Muslims. - We see that the Muslim topic is being stirred up. Who needs that?”

Bibarsov said that among the 146 million citizens of Russia, those who wear masks are a very small minority: "The most important problem for us is whether it is necessary to ban an item of clothing that covers the face of a few hundred or even a few thousand people out of 146 million?"

At the end of May, the Mufti of Tatarstan, Kamil Samigullin, expressed a similar opinion, calling the discussion about the niqab "irrelevant" and the desire to ban the traditional element of clothing an "Islamophobic attack". Samigullin said the ban "doesn't help at all" in the fight against radicalism, but "it can be a reason to intensify the information war against Russia."

Earlier, on Monday, the mufti of Dagestan, Ahmad Abdullaev, announced the issuance of a fatwa on the temporary ban of the niqab , calling on women to " sit at home", and on Wednesday, the religious administration of the North Caucasus Republic issued a fatwa on the temporary ban of the niqab .

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