Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that his country is ready for a nuclear war from a military and technical point of view, and that the strategic nuclear forces are always ready for combat. He answered the question about the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine: "There is no need for it."

Russia is ready for a nuclear war from a military-technical point of view, the country's strategic nuclear forces are always ready for combat. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced this in an interview with journalist Dmitry Kiselev to "Russia 1" and "RIA Novosti".

At the same time, the Russian president noted that Russia has its own principles that guide it in its decision to use nuclear weapons.

“The weapon is available for use. We have our own principles, what do they talk about? If it comes to harming the existence, sovereignty and independence of the Russian state, we are ready to use weapons, including any weapons, especially the ones you mentioned. Everything is written in our strategy. We did not change it," Putin said.

According to the Russian leader, the Russian nuclear triad is more modern than other triads .

"We've come a long way here. All core components are more modern. In general, we have approximately parity in terms of carriers and charges , but we have more modern ones," Putin said .

He noted that the United States is currently facing the task of increasing the modernity and innovation of its strategic nuclear forces.

"They are developing all their components, and so are we. But this, in my opinion, does not mean that they are ready to start this nuclear war tomorrow. X ohla shsa - what to do? We are ready," Putin said.

Speaking about nuclear tests, the Russian president said that the United States is considering the possibility of conducting such tests. "If they do such tests , I don't rule it out, it's not necessary, whether we need it or not, we still have to think about it, but we can do it, " he said.

Commenting on the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine in difficult times for the Russian Armed Forces, in particular for the Kherson region, Putin said that it makes no sense.

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