Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim expressed readiness to send peacekeeping forces to Gaza together with Indonesia.

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said his country is ready to send peacekeeping troops to Gaza. The politician said that in such a situation, Malaysian troops will act together with Indonesia. But for this, an appropriate mandate from the UN Security Council is needed.

On July 1, during a telephone conversation with Indonesian President-elect and Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, Ibrahim expressed his "welcome to the idea of cooperation in the international peacekeeping mission of Malaysia-Indonesia".

"Regarding the humanitarian situation in Palestine, I informed (Prabovo) that Malaysia is ready to cooperate with Indonesia in any peacekeeping mission if the UN gives us a mandate," Ibrahim wrote on Facebook .

It should be noted that none of these two countries recognize Israel as an independent state and have no diplomatic or economic relations with it.

Earlier, the United States admitted that after the end of the Israeli occupation of Gaza, power may be transferred to the control of moderate Arab states (the Arab states that have established relations with Israel are called that in Washington) . These countries include Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan.

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