Earlier, it became known that the hypocritical US government supplies 2000, 1800 and 500 kg bombs to Israel.

According to AXIOS, the United States has provided Israel with $6.5 billion in military aid since the start of the war. In particular, the US sent more than 10,000 2,000-pound bombs and thousands of Hellfire missiles to kill Palestinians.

The Reuters news agency, citing two American officials, listed the weapons seized by the White House from the Zionists. The list is as follows:

▪️14,000 – 907 kg (2,000 lb) MK-84 bombs;

▪️6500 – 227 kg (500 lb) MK-82 bombs;

▪️3000 – Hellfire missiles;

▪️1000 - anti-bunker bombs;

▪️2600 - small air bombs and other ammunition.

According to experts, the arms delivery statistics show that US military aid to Israel has not decreased as significantly as the White House claims.

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