More than 30 Israeli prisoners held by Hamas in Gaza have been confirmed killed by Israeli airstrikes, with 20 more deaths awaiting confirmation.

Tel Aviv confirmed that at least a fifth of the hostages in the Gaza Strip were killed in the bombings . This is reported by the New York Times citing Israeli intelligence sources.

Security services confirmed the death of 32 identified people and informed their families . Also, according to the security forces, about 20 more people may have died . But this information needs to be verified.

It is noted that the issue of the release of the hostages divided the Israeli society. The families of those arrested are demanding the cessation of hostilities and the exchange of prisoners. However, Netanyahu and his supporters believe that regardless of the fate of the hostages, it is necessary to continue the war until H AMAS is completely destroyed.

Earlier, Anadolu reported, citing sources in Palestine, that Hamas had accepted a three-stage peace plan. According to it, each stage will consist of 45 days.

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