After the start of the "Aqs o deluge", the cries of the Israelis about the destruction of Hamas increased, and they were joined by the major countries of the West. Their goal was to end the rule of Hamas in the Gaza Strip and to remove its influence in the decision-making of the Palestinian Authority. These actions began with campaigns to portray Hamas as a terrorist organization in front of the people of the world, as well as to present it as the only legitimate obstacle to peace and tranquility in the Middle East, as a threat to the foreign relations and security of Arab countries.

So, in their opinion, HAMAS is the cause of all the problems, the destruction of HAMAS is the only way to peace in the region.

Let's analyze their claims calmly and objectively. Let those mobilizing the world and the media against Hamas answer our simple questions:

1. HAMAS 1948 It appeared almost forty years after the war in 1987 and the establishment of the "Unity of Israel", i.e. in 1987, after the decision to partition Palestine . So, there was no peace in the region even before the emergence of Hamas. So, what did the "peacekeepers" do at that time to give the Palestinians their rights, to stop the Israeli occupation, and to implement the decisions of the United Nations?! There was no such thing as Hamas at that time, right?!

2. 1993 30 years after the " Oslo " agreement signed in 2008 , who prevented the implementation of this agreement? However, according to this agreement, the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization hoped to establish an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip within five years. Who broke the reconciliation process? Who is responsible for doubling the number of immigrants, confiscating land, Judaizing holy sites and turning the Palestinian Authority into a functional security organization serving the occupation? Not Israel?

3. "Arab Peace Initiative" Wasn't it the Israeli occupiers who scornfully destroyed it just twenty years after (an initiative launched by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia to establish peace between Israel and Palestine - Middle East)?

4. If, as they say , everything is to blame for Hamas, wouldn't the Israelis have allowed the Palestinians to live in Gaza and the West Bank as a fully independent state without the organization of Hamas ?!

Now think for yourself, is the problem with Hamas, or with the essence of the Zionist ideology, or with the dominant thinking in Israel?

1996 as revenge for the killing of Yahya Ayyosh by Hamas year 3 performed several operations in March. These actions seriously shook the Israeli government, and in order to immediately support the stabilization process and fight against "terrorism", the Western countries, the State of Israel, the Palestinian Authority and some Arab countries 13 On March, they held the "Conference of Peacemakers" in Egypt. After the conference, the Palestinian Authority, in cooperation with the occupying forces of Israel and the United States of America, launched a brutal fight against Hamas, using all means of oppression and cruelty. The Palestinian Authority was then able to eliminate most, if not all, of the resistance forces. He succeeded admirably in striking the organizational structure of Hamas and suffocating its core base ! In the next four years, the Palestinian Authority continued to meet Israel's demands. In response, Israel did nothing but Judaize and occupy the territories. He used peace agreements only as a cover. Finally , these deeds are 2000 led to the failure of the "Second Camp David negotiations". As a result, Yasser Arafat's dream of an independent Palestinian state was completely extinguished.

Another question arises : At that time, the influence of Hamas was almost destroyed. Why did the agreements fail, why was peace not achieved? Is Hamas guilty of this too?!

Shortly after the above events , Hamas re-established itself and gained unprecedented public support. As a result , 2006 won the legislative chamber elections of

2007 Since 2010, the Palestinian Authority has been trying to create a "world without Hamas". For this reason, Hamas is suffering both from the pressure of the central government and from the American-Israeli oppression.

What happened after 16 years?

Hamas has become the organization with the most support in the West Bank, or at least competing with the incumbent Fatah party . Even the grueling siege of the Gaza Strip and five deadly wars over 16 years have made Hamas stronger and more popular among the people. "Fath" is more dangerous than 2021 He ran away from the elections in the spring of 2018 , claiming that "a favorable situation for holding full-fledged free elections has not yet arisen" and is still running away .

Another question arises: Is it the will of the Palestinian people to destroy Hamas, or is it the will of the occupying Israel?

Do Israel and its allies have the right to pass judgment on the Palestinian people? Do the Palestinian people have the right to independently elect their leader and government representatives?

Why are the Western world, some Arab countries and their allies trying to adapt the situation in Palestine to Israel's wishes and standards? Shouldn't they instead have acted to end the occupation in accordance with hundreds of international resolutions and the right of peoples to self-determination?!

B drop ch i Israel's survival as a "state above international law" can only be at the cost of dominating and subjugating other nations. That is why Palestine , if it chooses Hamas, fulfilling its political wishes and not the will of the occupying forces, will have fulfilled the will of its people.

Until now, Hamas has been fulfilling the wishes of the people of Gaza, not America or Israel. The proof of our words can be seen from the fact that the people of Gaza are supporting Hamas despite the bloodshed that Israel has been carrying out for the past three months . Israel's massacres did not increase the people's fear of them, but on the contrary, the desire to destroy the Israeli occupation. That is, Israel's desire to destroy Hamas has made Hamas stronger and even increased its value as a resistance and liberation movement in Palestine, the Arab world , the Islamic world , and globally, even as the ugly face of the occupation is increasingly exposed.

Another proof that the people are with Hamas: 13 of this year In December, a poll conducted by the "Palestinian Political Research Center" revealed that the people are uniting around Hamas, and those who support it, and those who want the resignation of Mahmoud Abbas, are the absolute majority.

Perhaps if a contest was held among the most famous and popular parties in the Arab and Islamic world, Hamas would most likely have received the most votes. If elections were held among world leaders, Abu Ubaid, whose face we have not yet seen, would have collected more votes than the leaders who appear in different forms every day.

Hamas and the international community

If there was no Hamas, would the world community pay attention to the Palestinian problem?!

Since the establishment of Hamas, the reality shows that every time the resistance of Hamas increases, the UN and its institutions raise the issue of Palestine. And on the contrary, if the settlements are gradually handed over to the Zionists and begin to be Judaized and "peace" is established, both the international community and the UN will remain silent. And Israel uses this silence to gradually close the Palestinian issue and deprive the Palestinian people of their rights. Many researchers such as Dr. Walid Abdul Hai have written about it several times.

Hamas and terror

Several Western countries accuse Hamas of terrorism and killing civilians. But in the eyes of Palestinians and Muslim nations, Hamas is a moderate, open, Islamic, national liberation movement. Its existence is related to the fight against Zionist terrorism and the Israeli occupation.

Trying to defeat and neutralize Hamas does not end the essence of the idea of freedom, because it is the sacred and inalienable right of every nation that seeks to determine its own destiny. Accusing Hamas of "terrorism" is merely a means of preventing any legitimate resistance to the occupation. (Just as our ancestors were once accused of "printing". Comment from the translator)

As for the claim of killing civilians, Hamas has tried to focus on military installations since its inception. Proof of this is 1994 After the massacre of the Ibrahimi Mosque carried out by the Zionists in 2011, Hamas asked the invaders not to kill civilians, but the invaders ignored this and continued their massacres.

FYI, documented statistics show that the Israeli invasion of 2000 from year to 7 until October, when the "Aqsa Flood" began, it had killed more than 11,000 Palestinians, most of them civilians. Even now, the whole world is witnessing the Zionist massacres in the Gaza Strip. Let's talk about "Zionist terrorism" before we just label Hamas as "terrorist".

Palestine is being embodied as the strongest, deepest and broadest school of moderate Islamic civilization in the Muslim world . Palestine, with its great religious status and heritage, occupies a deep place in the conscience and heart of every Arab and Muslim. Therefore, even if Hamas is destroyed, this action will be repeated again and again. Because this is not only the claim of Hamas, but also the claim of the Palestinian people who are hungry for freedom. This is an ideology firmly established in the Palestinian society and nation .

That is why those who understand it well are not satisfied with only destroying Hamas. Perhaps they target the resistance of the entire Palestinian people, its living and free forces. They want a favorable environment for the continuation of the occupation, injustice and oppression of the Palestinian people. They want a Palestinian people without will, worthless, dancing, given to entertainment.

For this reason, the peoples of the world and the international community should focus all their attention on creating a world without colonialism and invasion, a world free from the aggressive Zionist project and respecting the free will of peoples.

Dr. Muhsin Muhammad Salih,

General director of "Zaytuna Research and Consulting Center".

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