Today, knowledge and information have increased, the possibilities of learning have become limitless. However, with the progress of science, spiritual decline, distance from humanity, the essence of creation, denial of emotional and spiritual truths with reason and logic also increased. Among such deniers, deists began to reject truths that had been proven true millions of times over thousands of years. In this research, we aim to expose them and refute them with their own methods, reason and logic. The second part is about why people become deists.

Why does one become a deist? Why does he deny the prophets and the books? Is this denial based on any evidence or is there some other reason?

We will answer these questions in the current video. We will demonstrate this in the form of a conversation with a deist. We ask our interlocutor:

- How do you know that God did not send a prophet and a book? If not, did Allah appear to you and say, "I have not sent a prophet and a book"? Anyway, that can't be. Then how do you know that Allah has not sent a prophet? Of course, your denial is not based on evidence. Now we will explain to you why you should be a deist.

Every sin has a path that leads to disbelief. If the sin is not erased by repentance and forgiveness, it leads the owner to disbelief. That is, first of all, you yourself were buried in sins and afflicted with unclean things. You can't get rid of evil. Thoughts of hell will destroy the pleasure you get from sin. Now that you are enjoying your sin, you are thinking of the torment of the grave, the torment of hell, and the reckoning. And then you wish that there would be no hell. Not only that, you want to have fun and sin as much as you want, that God is not the owner of hell.

From this imagination comes the feeling and desire to deny God. First you want to deny Allah. But you can't do that. Because you know that a letter cannot and cannot exist without a secretary, a needlemaker, and an organization without a manager. So, can the whole universe be without a master, a master and a sultan? Are these perfect beings self-inflicted? Can we call the perfect order in the universe a coincidence?

You also think about these things and for the same reason you cannot deny Allah. At this time, it is difficult to obey God's commands. This time, you say to yourself: "Let there be a creator, okay, but let there be no commands and warnings. Let everything be free and honest. Let there be no reckoning and suffering."

And so that there are no commands and warnings, there should be no prophets and books. It is this view that leads you to deny the prophets and the books. You think that behind the shield of denial, you can easily commit sins, and under the shadow of trust in God, you will get rid of loneliness and lack of ownership, and you will reach a kind of presence. That is, not a single order belongs to you, you can sin as much as you want, but if things happen to you, you have a creator who will ask for help.

The bottom line is that when you choose to be a deist, you are not based on evidence. The fear of Hell and the thought of it destroying your pleasures has turned you into a deist. It is the trick of your ego that made you a deist.

However, if you think like this, you will immediately give up your false belief: if you are a sinner, but if you accept the truths of faith, maybe God will forgive your sins. At least you will go to heaven after you have served the punishment you deserved. But if you deny the truths of faith just to sin easily, you will remain in hell forever because you will pass away as an unbeliever, and you will not even be able to smell the fragrance of heaven.

If you are in this position, our advice to you is this: if you are unable to get rid of your sins, ask God for forgiveness and guidance, seek refuge in Him. Don't be a deist thinking that I will sin peacefully. Otherwise, in your last breath, you will regret it so much that you cannot even imagine how difficult this situation is.

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