Today, knowledge and information have increased, the possibilities of learning have become limitless. However, with the progress of science, spiritual decline, distance from humanity, the essence of creation, denial of emotional and spiritual truths with reason and logic also increased. Among such deniers, deists began to reject truths that had been proven true millions of times over thousands of years. In this research, we aim to expose them and refute them with their own methods, reason and logic. The first part is about why humans are given invaluable senses.


1. Why were invaluable senses given to man?

A sultan called his two servants. He gave one of them ten pieces of gold and ordered him to sew a coat of fine cloth. He put the second one in his pocket with a thousand coins and a piece of paper written on it and sent it to the market.

The first servant received a magnificent dress of the finest cloth for the money given. The latter foolishly matched his partner and entered the store without even reading the paper in his pocket. He gave the seller a thousand gold coins and asked him to give him only one layer of clothes. Dishonest shopkeeper: "If this man is not healthy and stupid, would he give a thousand gold for ten gold goods?" He pointed to a dress made of the worst fabric. The wretched servant, who had spent all his capital on a trifle, returned to the palace. Opening the paper in his pocket, the sultan ordered to punish him for not looking at it and for his stupid purchase:

"If I wanted you to buy poor quality clothes, I would have given you ten coins like my first servant, not a thousand. Because the best cloth is worth ten gold in this market. Don't you understand that I didn't send you for a set of clothes even though I gave you a thousand coins? If you had looked at the paper in your pocket, you would have known my purpose and not wasted your investment. Now you will be punished for your crime!"

As for the statement of the truth of the given example, the Sultan in the story is our Lord, the Eternal Lord. Low-income service animals; ten coins the value of the senses and circumstances bestowed upon them; and the market represents the world. A thousand gold is the price of the gifts of mind, heart, eyes and tongue, as well as things and equipment. The paper in the second servant's pocket is the heavenly books that teach him the business he should conduct, and the Holy Qur'an that precedes them.

Indeed, man did not come to this world to live and enjoy like an animal. The investment given to him is for important business. If he was sent to live like an animal, what was the need for a thousand gold, that is, such valuable equipment and senses? He was given as much as animals, he did not need more.

When the real truth is, deists claim that we were created to live like animals. "Like animals we live, die, and perish," they say, and use reason to express this view.

In this demonstration, we will try to prove the absurdity of deism, by Allah's permission, in a decisive way. Our interlocutor is a deist. We will talk to him and show him that his chosen path is nothing but stupid.

Those who listen to their conscience and listen to this program and watch it, God willing, will get rid of the disease of deism.

In this demonstration, the need for the sending of prophets and books is proved with the precision of two times two four.

Help and grace, guidance and health are from God!

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