"If the cotton dies, I will answer, the agronomist will answer," I shouted suddenly. - This will be a new method of combating aphids. Do you understand? You are behind the times, I think...  

Khudoyberdi Tokhtaboev, "Riding the Yellow Giant".

Culturally, Uzbekistan is an integral part of the Islamic world. Almost all historical achievements of the Uzbek nation are related to Islam. Without Islam, Uzbeks lose their identity.  

Today's revival of Islam on a global scale is also felt in Uzbekistan. On the one hand, foreign powers, and on the other hand, the domestic political elite, each based on their own interests, are trying to assess the possibility that the development of Islam, or, in scientific terms, the "increasing of the religious background" will ensure the country's stability or, on the contrary, lead to a political crisis.  

How will the increasing importance of Islam in the life of society affect the trust in the political elite and its stability in the future? Politicians are thinking about which aspects of Islam should be adopted and which aspects should be abandoned in the development of national statehood. Actually, although it is impossible to take half of religion and not take half, they are trying to approach the processes intellectually based on the existing situation.

In order to find an answer to the question of how to establish a relationship with Islam in secular countries, there is a need for scientific research conducted by state institutions, non-governmental organizations, and even independent researchers, free from the influence of any ideological views and political forces.  

But some agencies, as we are witnessing, are using the "peasant method" rather than based on scientific approaches in conducting religious policy. For example, the world   At a time when artificial intelligence, digital technologies, humanoid robots have created high technologies, hybrid technological wars are on the rise and cyber threats are increasing day by day, the honor and feelings of citizens are not taken into account in order to reduce the religious background in our country. Religious people are taken to the internal affairs bodies, shaved without melting, and then their before and after photos are presented to the public in the form of a photo report. Hashimjon was also proud of his new method and said, "I will answer." Perhaps this method is justified in this way.

Well, let's analyze whether the efforts of our heroes serve the stability of relations between the religious people and the state in the region or not. More precisely, are the new methods of experts in quotation marks, such as Hashimjon, aimed at ensuring the security of the state or at increasing citizens' dissatisfaction with the state? Doesn't ignoring human rights in general lead to a political crisis? Of course, the answer to these questions is not achieved by saying "I will answer" in the offices, but by listening to the citizens on a large scale, studying their desires, emotional experiences in their hearts, or more precisely, conducting scientifically based social research.

For example, secular corruption, economic and energy problems such as gas-svet have motivated the increase of the religious background in Uzbekistan. According to the researchers, large-scale corruption in state organizations, economic helplessness in the country aroused the mood of social discontent among citizens, and injustices in the legislative, judicial and executive bodies strengthened the hope for religious and justice in the hereafter. This is a favorable environment for the spread of any radical ideas. International experts emphasize that the country's economic stagnation, large-scale corruption, and the government's intolerant and strong pressure on religious people encourage the radicalization of people in the country. These factors combine to increase citizens' mistrust of the state, and make it possible for groups with destructive ideas to expand their ranks.

Yesterday, following the failed assassination attempt against former US President Donald Trump, the Director of the US Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, resigned.

"The task of the secret service is to protect the leaders and financial infrastructure of our country. On July 13 (assassination), we failed to accomplish this task. As the director of the organization, I take responsibility for all the bad security," Chitl explained his resignation.  

In fact, the security of the country is primarily the protection of its leadership, as well as the country's economic, military, and technological sectors from various threats, offering and implementing the most advanced solutions for this.

However, no modern studies, except for Hashimjon's method of course, have confirmed that national security is guaranteed by shaving citizens, so far.  

On the contrary, such actions can turn the citizens of our country against the state bodies, along with the economic problems and corrupt situations in the country, young people will be obsessed with radical ideas, and the internal situation in our country can worsen. At the moment, it is permissible to carry out separate researches and implement them in life.

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