An application to open a same-sex club called Lorenzo in the northern Pakistani city of Abbottabad was rejected after protests from residents and politicians, and the applicant was sent to a psychiatric hospital in Peshawar for compulsory treatment.

A same-sex supporter who tried to open Pakistan's first gay club has been sent to compulsory treatment. This was achieved as a result of joint efforts of citizens and politicians, writes "".

After an application was submitted to open a club named "Lorenzo" in Abbottabad, in the north of the country, the authorities began to consider it in the usual way. However, when the news spread on social media, it angered local residents and politicians.

Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PATY) leader Nasir Khan Nazir said there would be "very serious consequences" if the club was allowed to open. Another deputy from the same party said that he would pour gasoline on the building and set it on fire. As a result, the government rejected the application to open a gay club, and the author was ordered to undergo compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital in Peshawar.

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