Iran's Defense Minister, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiyani, said that the United States would face "serious problems" if it formed an international coalition in the Red Sea against the activities of the Houthis in Yemen. Anadolu reported this based on his statement .

"If they take such a foolish step, they will face serious problems," he said. The military said that "no one can take such a step" in a region where Iran has a "dominant position".

Earlier, the US Department of Defense announced that Washington is negotiating with its allies to create a naval force in the Red Sea. At the same time, the American side called the actions of the Yemeni Houthis in the region destabilizing, dangerous and violating international law.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned US President Joe Biden that his country will take measures against Yemen if the Houthis threaten the city of Eilat and international sea routes.

The Houthis are targeting ships linked to Israel in the Red Sea

The leader of the Houthis in Yemen, Abdulmalik al-Houthi, threatened in a televised speech on November 14 that they could target Israeli ships in the Red Sea.

On November 19, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Seri announced on Platform X that they would target any Israeli-flagged ship in response to Israeli attacks on the blockaded Gaza Strip.

Later, the Houthis launched a drone and missile attack on two Israeli ships Unity Explorer and Number Nine in the Bab al-Mandeb Strait.

Israeli logistics company ZIM said in a statement on November 29 that its ships will not use the Suez Canal in Egypt, citing the security situation in the Sea of Oman and the Red Sea.

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced on December 4 that there were 4 attacks on 3 commercial vessels in international territorial waters south of the Red Sea at Platform X.

According to the statement, USS Carney, a destroyer of the US Navy in the southern Red Sea, responded to a call for help from commercial ships, and while assisting the ships, the destroyer shot down 3 drones that were approaching it.

In a statement today, CENTCOM announced that the Houthis attempted to seize the Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker Ardmore Encounter yesterday morning in the southern Red Sea.

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