On July 20, 1974, a peacekeeping operation was conducted on the island in order to stop ethnic cleansing and other crimes against Turkish Muslims living on the island of Cyprus. This operation, which has the code name "Operation Atilla", begins with the Turkish armed forces throwing troops (initially 10,000 people, later their number was increased to 40,000 people) in the north of the island. An intense battle takes place in the area of Pentemili Beach.

Active military operations will end on July 23. On this day, three positions of Greek Cypriot artillery will be shelled by Turkish troops.

On August 16, the second stage of military operations ended. In the end, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was established in the north of the island.

According to Wikipedia, during practice:

309 Greek Cypriots were killed, 909 were missing, and 1141 were injured. 12 tanks, 7 armored vehicles, 46 pieces of ammunition were destroyed and abandoned mostly by aircraft.

88 people from Greece were killed, 83 people were missing, 148 people were injured. 4 aircraft were shot down or written off;

70 Turkish Cypriots were killed, missing and wounded are not reported;

498 people from Turkey were killed, 1200 people were injured. 26 tanks, 4 armored vehicles, 24 guns, 1 destroyer, 14 planes and helicopters were shot down and destroyed.

Earlier, Ersin Tatar, the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, who participated in the summit of the Organization of Turkish States for the first time, said that if the "Cyprus peace movement" had not been implemented by Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Cyprus (TRC), the military junta had completely eliminated the Muslims from the island, and today there would be no Turks living there. was

For reference, the administration of Cyprus, which was taken from the Venetians in 1571 and remained under Ottoman rule for 307 years, was transferred to England in 1878, with the right to rule remaining in the Ottoman Empire. During the First World War, as a result of the Ottoman Empire and England being on different sides, England unilaterally annexed the island in 1914. Turkey recognized Britain's sovereignty over the island in 1923 with the Treaty of Lausanne.

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