21.02.2025 20:02
Who needs to discredit scientists?
On February 19, a number of channels of Islamophobic and atheistic groups began to post, as if someone had given them an order, about a "wanted person for Mubashshir Ahmad." These posts stated that Mubashshir Ahmad was accused of crimes such as extortion, terrorism, religious extremism, and fraud.
"Dilnur Kamilov", "Muhabbat Nazar", "Daydi Oq", "Mufasa", "Haqiqat Kilichi", "Tafakkur Qirgin", "Asanov", "Abu Muslim" and others, like a fool who has found a coin, began to publish messages one after another aimed at discrediting Ustad Mubashshir Ahmad.
As if it wasn't enough for some liars to slander Mubashshir Ahmad, they also threatened the Uzbek people, adding that "a separate list of people who follow this person on social media and support his posts is also being formed."
Especially after the press secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Shohrukh Giyasov, told the publication "Qalampir.uz" that Mubashshir Ahmad was "wanted under Part 1 of Article 2442 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Establishment, leadership, participation in religious extremist, separatist, fundamentalist or other prohibited organizations)," a celebration began in the streets of the enemies of Islam. They began to vomit their pus like a boiling pot.
Atheists who worship their godless masters began to openly say, "Mubashshir Ahmad, who supported the Palestinians and criticized the government's anti-religious policy, should have been imprisoned long ago." Atheists like Kamilov, who have been able to say as much insulting words as they want against Islam and Muslims in the Muslim world with impunity, are once again spreading their stench around, boasting that they can "go to Uzbekistan at any time."
Fortunately, their joy did not last long. The malicious lies against Ustad Mubashshir Ahmad were exposed. The information confirmed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs that he was accused of a very serious crime was denied by the lawyers.
A little later, the spokesman for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Shohrukh Giyasov, admitted that "Mubashshir Ahmad is not suspected of a crime under Article 2442 of the Criminal Code, and that a "technical error" was made in the dissemination of information."
This "technical error" was not only seen as an attempt to discredit and isolate a scholar, but also exposed many Islamophobes. It exposed who they really are, how much they rejoice when a Muslim is harmed, and the hatred they have for Islam and Muslims in their hearts.
At that moment, he deleted the applause, saying, "Those who agree with Mubashshir Ahmad and those who 'like' his posts will be strictly monitored."
Nevertheless, Muslims understand well that not every test of Allah is without wisdom. Until now, no Islamic scholars have been slandered, no attempts have been made to discredit or isolate them in society with various lies. But the more these efforts increased, the more they became dearer, the more they endured the trials. The enemies of our religion, who tried to incite various seditions, remained ashamed.
"They desire to extinguish the Light of Allah (i.e. Islam) with their mouths (i.e., their empty talk). But Allah only desires to perfect His Light (i.e., to spread it everywhere), even though they (the disbelievers) may abhor it." (Surah At-Tawbah, verse 32)
Today we also know for what purpose the Ministry of Internal Affairs spread this news. The lawyers defending the rights of Ustad Mubashshir Ahmad are also filing a lawsuit against those who made the "mistake" for the false news they deliberately "made" about him. After all, next to the article they are repeating, there is another article with only one number: "Article 2446. Spreading false information."
There are also other articles that establish criminal liability for violating a person's rights, attempting to defame, etc.
Those who spread false or "technically incorrect" news with malicious intent, out of envy, tried to degrade the status of our teacher Mubashshir Ahmad in Turkey, but they did not achieve their goals and will not achieve them! After all, "What Allah has made dear, His servant cannot humiliate."
When you hear a piece of news, weigh it up and then draw a conclusion!
May Allah suffice the scoundrels who are the first to be "informed" of various news!