The Turkish Armed Forces and defense companies have signed an agreement to start serial production of the Siper long-range anti-aircraft missile complex (ZRM). This was reported by the Ministry of National Defense.

The document was signed by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, commanders of military units and manufacturers. The ministry noted that "with the signing ceremony of the contract, the serial production of Turkey's Siper [Siper product-1] long-range air defense and anti-missile defense system has begun, as well as the scale of serial production of the Hisar ZRM [for these missiles].

"Syper is an anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense system developed using our national capabilities," Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Guler said.

"It is an important project to meet our long-range weapons needs. "Thanks to the successful use of Hisar missiles in the initial tests, the effectiveness of the Seper system's countermeasures and strikes against airborne targets will increase," he added.

The anti-missile system is designed to destroy any airborne targets and is being developed by Ankara as an alternative to the systems being imported. The process of its development began in 2018 with the participation of Aselsan, Roketsan and SAGE (Institute for Defense Industry Research and Development). The first tests of the complex took place in December 2022.


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