The Directorate of National Education of Istanbul's Ataşehir district has sent an instruction to the schools asking them to organize the lesson hours according to the Friday prayer. Also, a task was given to create conditions for reading Friday prayers in schools.

According to reports of the Turkish press, it was found out that this letter signed by the Director of National Education of Atashehir District, Ismail Yildirim, was sent to all private and public schools in the district on October 31. It contains the following instructions:

  • Lunch breaks on Fridays are organized according to the time of Friday prayers.
  • Study plans are made in such a way that they do not conflict with Friday prayer times.
  • Necessary precautionary measures will be taken without causing any obstacles in the educational activities, necessary facilities will be created for the administration, teachers and other employees who want to participate in the Friday prayer.
  • It is necessary to create conditions to meet the need for studying Friday prayer, especially in the mosques of secondary schools, if necessary, to cooperate with the district mufti or imam-hatib lyceums.
  • If it is not possible to create conditions for Friday prayer at school, students who want to go to Friday prayer should be allowed to go to Friday prayer after obtaining permission from their parents.

For information, the Turkish Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs, and Ministry of Youth and Sports are jointly implementing the project "I am careful about the environment, I will have my values (ÇEDES)". Within the framework of the project, imams, preachers, specialists in religious services have been teaching children lessons based on values.

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