In 1930-1938, 12 criminal cases involving 205 persons who were sentenced by the court's sentence were considered by the Supreme Court's criminal trial panel. This was reported by the information service of the Supreme Court.


According to the resolutions of 1930-1938 of the special meeting of the Tripartite Council under the United State Political Administration of Central Asia, the Supreme Court was charged with counter-revolutionary actions and armed uprisings, terrorism, banditry and espionage in the territories of the present Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent city, Khorezm, Bukhara, Jizzakh and Namangan regions, In 1920-1921, according to the decisions of the board of the special branch of the Turkfront and the special meeting of the Presidium of the All-Russia Emergency Commission, 11 criminal cases were brought against 198 people who were accused of participating in the printing movement in the territory of the present Fergana region and, according to the verdict of the Supreme Court of the UZSSR in 1938, of carrying out anti-Soviet activities in party organizations. fell and was studied by the working group.


In connection with the above-mentioned criminal cases, the Deputy Prosecutor General brought protests to the Supreme Court's Criminal Trial Panel in the cassation procedure.


On May 6, 2024, at the open court sessions chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court, Ikram Muslimov, these protests were considered and satisfied, and based on Article 83 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the Criminal Trial Panel of the Supreme Court against 198 persons in a total of 11 criminal cases of the cassation instance. acquittals were issued.


By the judgment of the Supreme Court of the SSRI on June 21, 1930, Sadulla Kasimov, who served as the chairman of the Supreme Court of the Uzbek SSR, and others (7 people in total) were found guilty of committing the crime provided for in Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Uzbek SSR, and their property was confiscated. punishments of death and deprivation of liberty were imposed.


At today's court session of the High Court's Criminal Trial Panel, the cassation appeal filed by Sadulla Kasimov's grandson F. Sadullaev against this sentence and the cassation protest filed by the Deputy Prosecutor General in connection with this criminal case were considered. As a result, the indictment against S. Kasimov and others was canceled and they were acquitted due to the fact that there was no criminal element in their actions and no criminal incident had occurred.


List of repression victims who were rehabilitated and acquitted by the Supreme Court on May 6, 2024

According to the verdict of the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on June 21, 1930:


Kacymov Sagdulla Rashidovich, born in Tashkent in 1900, Uzbek nationality, medium education, married, has 1 child, not convicted, served as chairman of the Supreme Court of the Uzbek SSR until March 3, 1929, lived in Egarchilik quarter, Tashkent of the year) found guilty under Article 63, confiscation of property and death penalty;

Sharipov Badriddin, who was born in 1897, has a higher education, worked as a former prosecutor of the Supreme Court of the Uzbek SSR, was previously convicted, was found guilty under Article 58, Part 1 of Article 63, Article 78 of the Constitution of the Uzbek SSR (1926), and his property was confiscated. to the death penalty;

Mirsagat Mirzakirov, who was born in 1866, had a secondary education, worked as a judge of the Old Town of Tashkent, had no previous convictions, was found guilty under Article 63 of the Constitution of the Uzbek SSR (1926), his property was confiscated, and he was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment;

Rustam Khodja Ibragim Khodjaev, who was born in 1884, had primary education, worked as a people's judge, was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment by the verdict of the Tashkent District Court on April 15, 1926, was found guilty under Article 63 of the Constitution of the Uzbek SSR (1926), and - 10 years imprisonment with confiscation of property;

Spirodonov Vyacheslav Petrovich, born in 1890, with higher education, a member of the bar association, no previous convictions, was found guilty under Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Uzbek SSR (1926), his property was confiscated, and he was sentenced to death;

Alimov Nasriddin, born in 1889, with primary education, merchant, previous conviction, sentenced to 1 year of imprisonment by the judgment of the Tashkent District Court on 19.09.1929, was found guilty under Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Uzbek SSR (1926), and his property was confiscated. to the death penalty;

Samigjanov Akbar, born in 1893, with secondary education, merchant, no previous convictions, was found guilty under Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Uzbekistan SSR (1926), his property was confiscated, and he was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment.

According to the court's verdict, S. Kacymov worked as the chairman of the Tashkent Regional Court from 1924 to 1925 and as the chairman of the Supreme Court of the Uzbek SSR from December 23, 1925 to March 3, 1929, and in order to gain personal wealth, systematically committed crimes of robbery, bribery, and embezzlement. committed;


In 1927, B. Sharipov was appointed chairman of the Bukhara District Court and became an active participant in the national liberation movement ("printing"), using the Soviet courts together with S. Kacymov for the benefit of merchants, as well as ten innocent people under the guise of "printing" without trial and investigation. shooting the peasants and turning the mass of peasants against the Soviet authorities by his actions;


During the period when M. Mirzakirov worked as a people's judge in the Old Town of Tashkent from 1922 to 1928, he assisted S. Kacymov in committing crimes of fraud and forgery in exchange for various material wealth;


From 1922 to March 1925, R. Ibragim Khodjaev worked as a people's judge of the city of Mirzachol, with the knowledge of S. Kacymov and in collusion with S. Kacymov, taking bribes from the population and committing crimes of embezzlement, embezzlement of state and private property, and constantly illegally paying for bribes. for helping to bring the judicial system into crisis by issuing judgments, by constantly bribing S. Kacymov, who was the deputy chairman of the Tashkent District Court at that time;


In 1921-1923, V. Spiridonov worked as the deputy chairman of the People's Council of Tashkent City Judges, and in 1923-1929 as a lawyer. for helping in the meeting;


N. Alimov, as an active member of the counter-revolutionary organization "National Union", had close relations with all the leaders of the organization, based on the plan, he constantly served alcohol and bribed the employees of Soviet organizations, in particular, judicial and financial departments, and was in a friendly relationship with S. Kacymov. , in administrative and court cases, he obtained an acquittal or a light sentence against merchants and counter-revolutionaries known to him;


A. Samigjanov, being an active member of the counter-revolutionary organization "National Union" and a big merchant, served alcohol to S. Kacymov and M. Mirzakirov and used them for his malicious purposes, including M. Mirzakirov in taking illegal land from the Old Town of Tashkent and signing an illegal contract. was found guilty of using the people's court of which he was the leader.


According to the decision of the special meeting of the Tripartite Council under the United State Political Administration in Central Asia on November 21, 1931:


Djumaniyazov Irniyaz, born in 1899 in Yangi Urganch district, Uzbek nationality, lived in Ala-Ulik village, Yangi Urganch district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Kurbanov Kosh, born in 1886 in Yangi Urganch district, Uzbek nationality, lived in Ala-Ulik village, Yangi Urganch district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Kabulov Nazar, born in 1901 in Yangi Urganch district, Uzbek nationality, lived in Ala-Ulik village, Yangi Urganch district, was sent to a concentration camp for 10 years;

Avazmetov Abdulla, born in 1895 in Yangi Urganch district, Uzbek nationality, lived in Ala-Ulik village, Yangi Urganch district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Matchanov Bekchan, born in 1896 in Yangi Urganch district, Uzbek nationality, lived in Ala-Ulik village, Yangi Urganch district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Iskanderov Matchan, born in 1886 in Yangi Urganch district, Uzbek nationality, lived in Ala-Ulik village, Yangi Urganch district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Kachkarov Igamberdy, born in 1906 in Yangi Urganch district, Uzbek nationality, lived in Chandir-Kiyat village, Yangi Urganch district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Rakhimov Sharip, born in 1903 in Yangi Urganch district, Uzbek nationality, lived in Chandir-Kiyat village, Yangi Urganch district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Babadjan Irniyaz, born in 1870 in New Urganch District, Uzbek, lived in Ala-Ulik village, New Urganch District, sentenced to 3 years in a concentration camp;

Saurov Mayli, born in 1902 in Newy Urganch district, Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Ala-Ulik, Newy Urganch district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years. Article 14-78 of the Criminal Code of the UzSSR was found guilty of

According to the decision of the special meeting of the Tripartite Council under the United State Political Administration in Central Asia, Djumaniyazov Irniyaz and others established permanent contact with the members of the printing counter-revolutionary movement, received them in their homes, provided the printing groups with food products, and participated in the measures implemented by the Soviet authorities. they were accused of resisting by not handing over their weapons and carrying out propaganda against collectivization.


According to the decision of the special meeting of the Tripartite Council under the United State Political Administration in Central Asia on November 5, 1932:


Matmuratov Matchanbek, born in 1881, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Hazorasp district, Otaliq village council, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Saitniyazov Raimbergen, born in 1896, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Hazorasp, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Djumaniyazov Matyakub, born in 1874, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Ashak Karvak village council, Hazorasp district, was sent to a correctional labor institution for 3 years;

Sarybakalov Mamadjan, born in 1869, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Upper Mukhaman, Hazorasp district, was sent to a correctional labor institution for 3 years;

Bakalov Masharip Sary, born in 1895, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Upper Mukhaman, Hazorasp district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Pirmanov Kurambay, born in 1895, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Avshar village council, Hazorasp district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Adamov Rakhmankul, born in 1875, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Ashak Karvak village council, Hazorasp district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Babaniyazov Nurulla, born in 1891, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Ashak Karvak village council, Hazorasp district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Masharipov Ibragim Yuzbashi, born in 1870, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Upper Mukhaman, Hazorasp district, was released from prison after the initial prison term was taken into account;

Masharipov Pirdjan, born in 1911, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Upper Mukhaman, Hazorasp district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Abdullaev Atadjan, born in 1881, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Avshar village council, Hazorasp district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Vaisov Mulla Kuryaz, born in 1872, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Ashak Karvak village council, Hazorasp district, was sent to a correctional labor institution for 3 years;

Masharipov Madraim, born in 1881, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Ashak Karvak village council, Khazarasp district, was sent to a correctional labor institution for 3 years;

Sultanmuratov Djumaniyaz, born in 1871, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Pernaukhas village council, Khiva district, was sent to a correctional labor institution for 3 years;

Masharipov Khudaybergen, born in 1870, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the city of Khiva, Khiva district, was sent to a correctional labor institution for 3 years;

Avezov Matmurat, born in 1870, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the city of Khiva, Khiva district, was sent to a correctional labor institution for 3 years;

Aminov Nazar Makhram, born in 1876, Uzbek nationality, lived in the city of Khiva, Khiva district, was sent to a correctional labor institution for 3 years;

Abdalniyazov Madaminjan, born in 1882, Uzbek nationality, lived in the city of Khiva, Khiva district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Kosharov Mustafa-Kazak, born in 1887, of Kazakh nationality, lived in the village council of Avez Dunyak, Khiva district, was sent to a concentration camp for 10 years;

Masharipov Khudaybergen, born in 1873, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the city of Khiva, Khiva district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Allabergenov Djumaniyaz, born in 1891, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Mukhaman village council, Hazorasp district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Kalandarov Saur, born in 1876, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Durgadyk village council, Khanka district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Ibragimov Yusup Khodzha, born in 1890, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Khanka district, Khanka village council, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Akhmetov Mulla Ibaidulla, born in 1871, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the city of Khanka, Khanka district, sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment;

Abdukadyrov Abdushukur, born in 1871, Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Ohunboboev, Khanka district, sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment;

Yusupov Nurmat, born in 1866, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Polvon village council, Khanka district, was released from prison after the initial prison term was taken into account;

Masharipov Babadjan Maksum, born in 1865, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Tama-Durvadi village council, Khanka district, sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment;

Ibragim Atadjanov, born in 1893, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Khanka district, Khanka village council, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Abdurasul Makhsum Ibadula Khodji, born in 1896, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Khanka district, Khanka village council, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Davletmuratov Yakshi Murat, born in Khiva district in 1876, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Shavot district, Manak village council, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Atadjanov Abdy Ishan, born in 1910, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Shavot district, Arbek village council, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Atadjanov Usman Ishan, born in 1895, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Arbek village council, Shavot district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Nurmetov Ibadulla, born in 1896, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Kurbak, Shavat district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

34). Artykov Vais, born in 1901, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village soviet of Urganch District, Upper Bog, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Akhmedov Usta Kalandar, born in 1874, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Urganch district, Upper Bog, was released from prison after the initial prison term was taken into account;

Shagalov Safar, born in 1891, of Turkmen nationality, lived in Ildirshikh village soviet, Porsin district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Durdyev Safarbai, born in 1886, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Kukchagar village council, Tashouz district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Bekmuratov Berdy Klych, born in 1892, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Ilyalinsky district, Kenges village council, was released from prison after taking into account the initial prison term;

Nurullaev Saydulla, born in 1886, Uzbek, lived in the city of Khanka, Khanka district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years. .

According to the decision of a special meeting of the Tripartite Council of the United State Political Administration in Central Asia, Matmuratov Matchanbek and others in early February 1931, in order to overthrow the Soviet government, organize an armed oppressive-rebellious struggle against it, and restore the order of the previous khanate administration, the son of Junaid Khan, who moved from the territory of Afghanistan to the territory of Khiva He was accused of establishing contact with Eshimkhan's armed groups in order to provide them with new personnel to strengthen them.


According to the decision of the special meeting of the Tripartite Council under the United State Political Administration in Central Asia on January 22, 1932:


Sattarov Shanazar, born in 1895, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Rubat Khodja, G'iduvan district, was sent to a concentration camp for 8 years;

Baltaev Bazar, born in 1877, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Shuristan, Bauman district, was sent to a concentration camp for 8 years;

Kadyrov Yarykul, born in 1891, Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Peshku, Vobkent district, was sent to a concentration camp for 8 years;

Klychev Tursun Amin, born in 1874, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Mugulan, Vobkent district, was sent to a concentration camp for 8 years;

Mustafakulov Mukhamed Kul, born in 1874, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Tobkhana Guzar, Old Bukhara, was sent to a concentration camp for 8 years;

Ruziev Khodji Murad Amin, born in 1892, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Chuprak, Bauman district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Radjabov Mirza Ahmed, born in 1869, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the city of Vobkent, Pokhsa district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Adylov Kary Daud, born in 1886, Uzbek nationality, lived in Mirza Khamid Guzar, Old Bukhara, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Khalikov Sabir, born in 1889, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Kari Mustakim Guzar, Old Bukhara, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Saibov Niyaz, born in 1883, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Kassoblar, Bauman district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Nurullaev Ruzi, born in 1913, Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Kuli-Djuybar, G'iduvan district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Rakhmanov Mulla Safar, born in 1886, Uzbek nationality, lived in Buyro village, Bukhara district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Turdyev Bazar, born in 1897, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Djandikon, Gijduvan district, was released from prison after the initial prison term was taken into account;

Rakhmatov Tyura, born in 1903, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Djandikon, G'iduvan district, was released from prison after the initial prison term was taken into account;

Katta Sheykhov Toksan, born in 1897, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Djandikon, G'iduvan district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Djalalov Huseyn, born in 1899, Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Lyabirud, G'iduvan district, was released from prison after the initial prison term was taken into account;

Marufov Sharif, born in 1871, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Chagdari, G'iduvan district, was released from prison after the initial prison term was taken into account;

Tursunov Murad, born in 1879, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Rubat Khodja, G'iduvan district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Gadaev Nor, born in 1911, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Rubat Khodja, G'iduvan district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Khaitov Halim, born in 1903, Uzbek nationality, lived in Shuristan village, Bauman district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Tyuraev Talip, born in 1898, Uzbek nationality, lived in Chagdari village, G'iduvan district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Sharipov Khamdam, born in 1881, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Makhallya Ashkhan, Vobkent district, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Nazarov Nor, born in 1895, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Karabagh, G'iduvan district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Khamraev Normurat, born in 1889, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Saidon, G'iduvan district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Khaidarov Barat, born in 1885, Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Karabagh, G'iduvan district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Fayziev Djuma, born in 1883, Uzbek nationality, lived in Chagdari village, G'iduvan district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Periev Saidkul, born in 1908, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Sufi-Kargar, Old Bukhara district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Khairyev Safar, born in 1883, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Vozirsha, G'iduvan district, was sentenced to 3 years in a concentration camp and released from the sentence;

Norov Nigmat, born in 1899, Uzbek nationality, lived in the village of Sufi Kargar, Eski Bukhara district, was sentenced to 3 years in a concentration camp and was released from prison. Article 78 of the Criminal Code of the UzSSR participation) was found guilty.

According to the decision of a special meeting of the Tripartite Council of the United State Political Administration in Central Asia, in 1931, Klychev Tursun Amin and others organized counter-revolutionary press groups, expanded their ranks, in order to carry out an armed struggle against the Soviet government in the territory of Ghiduvon, Vobkent, Bauman and other districts of the Bukhara sector. Ibrahimbek, who was fighting against the Soviet authorities in Tajikistan, was accused of joining the lackeys and conducting counter-revolutionary propaganda.


According to the decision of the special meeting of the Tripartite Council under the United State Political Administration in Central Asia on August 20, 1932:


Tursunkulov Mumin, born in 1892, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh District, Yangi-Kishloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 10 years;

Sayfullaev Lutfulla, born in 1902, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh district, Yangi-kisloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Berdyev Kabyl Tangri, born in 1877, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Jizzakh district, Yangi-kisloq village council, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Khazratkulov Khasan, born in 1904, Uzbek nationality, lived in Jizzakh district, Yangi-kisloq village council, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Khafizov Iskandar, born in 1906, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh District, Yangi-Kishloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Khafizov Ali, born in 1902, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh District, Yangi-Kishloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Abdurakhmanov Bek-Ali, born in 1894, Uzbek nationality, lived in Jizzakh district, Asman-Say village council, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Abdullaev Rashid, born in 1892, Uzbek nationality, lived in Jizzakh District, New-Kishloq Village Council, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Abdullaev Mukum, born in 1897, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh District, Yangi-Kishloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Khudoyarov Tura, born in 1891, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh district, Yangi-kisloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Khasanov Savran, born in 1896, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh district, Yangi-kisloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Abdurakhmanov Dastan, born in 1897, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh District, Yangi-Kishloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Berdyarov Davran, born in 1895, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh District, Yangi-Kishloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Alimov Turgun, born in 1900, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh district, Yangi-kisloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Niyazov Karabek, born in 1904, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh District, Yangi-Kishloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Davranov Sindar, born in 1886, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh district, Yangi-kisloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Davranov Djaldybai, born in 1886, Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh District, Yangi-Kishloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Tursunkulov Bazarbek, born in 1907, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh District, Yangi-Kishloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Igamberdiev Raimkul, born in 1883, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh district, Yangi-kisloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Adylov Akilbek, born in 1900, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Jizzakh district, Uchli village soviet, was sent to a concentration camp for 10 years;

Adylov Bayzar, born in 1892, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Jizzakh district, Uchli village soviet, was sent to a concentration camp for 10 years;

Abdullaev Irgash, born in 1884, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Jizzakh District, Yangi-Kishloq Village Council, was deprived of freedom for 5 years;

Berdyarov Ikhlas, born in 1871, Uzbek nationality, lived in Jizzakh district, Yangi-kisloq village council, was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years;

Batyrov Aman, born in 1898, Uzbek nationality, lived in Jizzakh district, Asman-Say village council, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Abdullaev Sahip, born in 1877, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh District, Yangi-Kishloq, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Mirzaev Hafiz Maksum Mulla, born in 1866, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of the village of Jizzakh, Jizzakh district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Keldybaev Aman, born in 1872, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Jizzakh District, New-Kishloq, was exiled for 3 years;

Kipchakov Barat, born in 1890, of Uzbek nationality, lived in Osmonsoi village soviet, Jizzakh district, was sent to a concentration camp for 3 years;

Abdullaev Djura, born in 1887, of Uzbek nationality, lived in the village council of Yangi-kisloq, Jizzakh district, was sent to a concentration camp for 10 years under articles 66 (espionage), 67 (collection of economic information not constituting a specially protected state secret) and 78 (for counter-revolutionary purposes) of the Criminal Code of the U.S.SSR. (i.e., participating in riots without the aggravating circumstances of committing criminal acts).

According to the decision of the special meeting of the Tripartite Council of the United State Political Administration in Central Asia, M.Tursunkulov and others, being wealthy, merchants and clan heads by origin, openly oppose the measures implemented by the Soviet authorities after the October Socialist Revolution, Khamrokulbek, Participation in printing gangs of Mella Dehkan, Khudoyor and others, seizing power in collective farms and conducting activities against the Soviet government, holding secret meetings for these purposes and raising armed uprisings in them, establishing contacts with former printers, collecting money for the purchase of weapons were accused of discussing.


According to the decision of the special meeting of the Tripartite Council under the United State Political Administration of Central Asia on January 3, 1930:


Umaraliev Dadaboy, who was born in Kosonsoy district in 1887, lived in Kosonsoy district, was sentenced to death;

Miryusupov Mirvali, who was born in Namangan district in 1905, lived in Namangan district, was sentenced to death;

Rasulbaev Mamadjan Qori, who was born in Namangan district in 1896, lived in Namangan district, was sentenced to death;

Azimbaev Mulla Ahmed Ali, born in Kosonsoy district in 1898, lived in Kosonsoy district, sentenced to death;

Miryusupov Abdugapar, who was born in Namangan district in 1902, lived in Namangan district, was sentenced to death;

Azimbaev Khadzhimat, who was born in Namangan district in 1902, lived in Namangan district, was sentenced to death;

Zakirkhodzhaev Kamildjan, born in 1894 in Torakorgon district, lived in Torakorgon district, sentenced to death;

Alinazarov Gaipberdi, who was born in Kosonsoy district in 1910, lived in Kosonsoy district, was sentenced to death;

Khaqnazarov Abuladjan, born in Torakorgan district in 1911, lived in Torakorgan district, was sentenced to death;

Ishmatov Dzhaparlar, born in Namangan district in 1898, lived in Namangan district, was exiled to a concentration camp for 3 years, was found guilty of articles 58 and 78 of the Criminal Code of the U.S.SSR (banditry, armed rebellion on Soviet territory or invasion for counter-revolutionary purposes).

According to the decision of the special meeting of the Tripartite Council under the United State Political Administration of Central Asia, in 1929-1930, Umaraliev Dadaboy and others were considered old local rich people in Namangan district, supported the members of the counter-revolutionary movement as persons related to the case of Nasirkhan tora Kamolkhantora, and carried out armed uprising or counter-revolutionary activities in the Soviet territory. were accused of doing.


According to the decision of the special meeting of the Tripartite Council under the Central Asian United State Political Administration on February 16, 1938:


Yusupov (Kazakov) Ismail, born in Khiva district in 1894, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Khudaibergenov Rahman, born in Khiva district in 1886, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Khaknazarov Artik, born in Khiva district in 1884, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Ibragimov Matriza, born in Khiva district in 1887, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Yusupov Qalandar, born in Khiva district in 1898, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Fazilov Abdulla, born in Khiva district in 1887, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Nakiev Babadjan, born in Khiva district in 1888, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Nakiev Saidzhan, born in Khiva district in 1885, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, exiled to a concentration camp for 10 years;

Nakiev Askar, born in Khiva district in 1882, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Abdurakhmanov Latip, born in Khiva district in 1895, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Tadjiev Abdalniyaz, born in Khiva district in 1881, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Kurambaev Madraim, born in Khiva district in 1893, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Karimov Matyakub, born in Khiva district in 1908, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Matchanov Bekchan, who was born in Khiva district in 1880, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death;

Abdullaev Atadzhan, who was born in Khiva district in 1881, lived in Khiva district, Uzbek nationality, sentenced to death, was found guilty under Articles 13, 58, 67 of the Criminal Code of the U.S.SSR (invasion of the Soviet territory with armed insurrection or counter-revolutionary purposes, committing counter-revolutionary actions).

According to the decision of a special meeting of the Tripartite Council of the United State Political Administration in Central Asia, Yusupov (Kazakov) Ismail and others held meetings in the "Khan Ismail Ata" mosque located in the village of Jundiyan, Khiva district in 1937, made counter-revolutionary plans and were armed as old rich people who knew "Junaid Khan". were accused of forming a gang and carrying out actions with the aim of committing an armed uprising or counter-revolutionary actions in the Soviet territory.


According to the decision of the special meeting of the Tripartite Council under the United State Political Administration of Central Asia on February 4, 1938:


Rakhimov Masharip, who was born in Hazorasp district in 1913, lived in Hazorasp district, was sentenced to death;

Kamalov Sabur, born in Hazorasp district in 1914, lived in Hazorasp district, sentenced to death;

Kuryazov Baba, born in Hazorasp district in 1901, lived in Hazorasp district, sentenced to death;

Matnazarov Safarbala, born in Hazorasp district in 1910, lived in Hazorasp district, was sentenced to death;

Adambaev Atadjan, born in Hazorasp district in 1904, lived in Hazorasp district, was exiled to labor correction camp for 10 years;

Babadjanov Raim, born in Hazorasp district in 1901, lived in Hazorasp district, was exiled to a labor correction camp for 10 years;

Abdukarimov Matyakub, born in Hazorasp district in 1901, lived in Hazorasp district, was exiled to labor correction camp for 10 years;

Rakhimov Jumaniyaz, born in Hazorasp district in 1908, lived in Hazorasp district, was exiled to labor correction camp for 10 years;

Rakhimov Kurbanbaylar, who was born in Hazorasp district in 1898, lived in Hazorasp district, was exiled to a labor correction camp for 10 years, was found guilty under Article 78 of the Criminal Code of the UzSSR (banditry).

According to the decision of a special meeting of the Tripartite Council under the United State Political Administration of Central Asia, Rakhimov Masharip and others were accused of joining the armed gang "Shakirbola" in the villages of Pichakhchi and Ukurin Mukhamon of Khorezm District, Hazorasp District in 1937 and carrying out actions for the purpose of armed rebellion or banditry in the Soviet territory.


According to the decisions of the board of the special department of the Turkfront dated November 6, 1920 and the special meeting of the Presidium of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission dated October 27, 1921:


Andrey Ivanovich Doriomedov, born in Orenburg in 1896, lived in Fergana region, sentenced to death;

Sadikbaev Abdulladjan, born in Fergana region in 1902, lived in Skobelev, Uzbek nationality, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Nikolay Alekseevich Roksikov, born in Pishpak in 1887, lived in Fergana, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Fedorov Mikhail Dmitrievich, born in Fergana region in 1900, exiled to a concentration camp for 1 year;

Arseneva Vladimir Mikhailovich, who lived in Tashkent in 1892 and was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Nikolsky Viktor Ivanovich, born in 1901, lived in the city of Skobelev, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Babaev Mulla Abdulladjan, who lived in Fergana region in 1901 and was exiled from Turkestan;

Shepelev Semena Vasilekich, born in 1875, lived in the city of Skobelev, was deported to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Barkhash Lev Lvovich, born in 1895, lived in the city of Skobelev, was deported to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Gorodisky Konstantin Konstantinovich, born in 1881, lived in Fergana, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Yakovenko Fedor Titovich, born in 1878, lived in Glodosokha, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Nenzberg Vladimir Aleksandrovich, born in 1865, lived in Fergana, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Nikolsky Andrey Ivanovich, who lived in Skobelev in 1889, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Vlasov Dmitry Pavlovich, born in 1885, lived in Skobelev, was deported to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Antipov Nikolay Danilovich, born in 1877, lived in the city of Skobelev, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Anatoly Nikolayevich Sologub, born in 1891, lived in Skobelev, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Alexander Vladimirovich Mukhanov, born in 1874, lived in Tashkent, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Monstrov Konstantin Ivanovich, born in 1874, lived in Jalalabad district, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Lazarev Alexander Ilyich, born in 1897, lived in Tashkent, was exiled to a concentration camp for 1 year;

Sitnyakovki Boris Nikonorovich, born in 1886, lived in Tashkent, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Alexey Nikonorovich Sitnayakovsky, born in 1895, lived in Tashkent, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Pokrovskaya-Spirodonova Olga Dmitrievna, born in 1898, lived in Skobelev, was deported to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Dmitriy Grigorevich Rodzievsky, who lived in the city of Old Margilon in 1888, was exiled to a concentration camp for 2 years;

Andrey Bezsonov, born in 1875, lived in Skobelev, exiled from Turkestan;

Nikolkaya Lidiya, born in Tashkent in 1895, lived in Tashkent, exiled from Turkestan;

Shakirov Ikram, born in 1899, lived in Fergana, exiled from Turkestan;

Lyali-Khodja-Turdi-Khodjaev, who lived in the city of Skobelev in 1870 and was exiled from Turkestan;

Shmatbaev Madat, born in 1870, lived in the city of Skobelev, was deported to a concentration camp;

Nishan-bibi Mukhamed Saidov, born in 1870, lived in the city of Skobelev, was deported to a concentration camp, and was found guilty of participating in the printing movement led by Madaminbek in Turkestan.

According to the decision of the board of the special branch of the Turkfront on November 16, 1920 and the special meeting of the Presidium of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission on October 27, 1921, A. Doriomedov and others agreed to support the members of the counter-revolutionary movement in the Fergana region in 1919-1920 and carry out an armed uprising or counter-revolutionary actions in the Soviet territory. were accused of joining the members of the printing movement led by "Madaminbek" and providing them with the necessary intelligence information and supplies.


According to the judgment of the Supreme Court of the Uzbek SSR dated February 13, 1938:


Ubaydulla Abdullaev, born in 1892 in the city of Kokan, Fergana region, Uzbek nationality, citizen of the UZSSR, employee, uneducated, married, lived in the city of Yangiyol;

Fatkhulla Sagdullaev, born in Tashkent city in 1897, Uzbek nationality, citizen of UZSSR, uneducated, married, employee, lived at house 55, Kyzilkoshin neighborhood, Oktyabr district, Tashkent city;

Nabi Rabiev, born in 1905 in the Second Beshariq quarter, Kokan city, Fergana region, Uzbek nationality, citizen of the UZSSR, educated, married, lived at house 7, Hamza street, Oktyabr district, Tashkent city;

Mukhiddin Muminkhojaev, born in 1886 in the village of Nav, Yangiyol district, Uzbek by nationality, citizen of the UZSSR, educated, married, collective farmer, lived in the village of Nav, Yangiyol district;

Juma Alibaev, born in 1903 in the village of Shahrikhan, Stalin (Shakhrikhan) district, Fergana region, Uzbek nationality, citizen of the UZSSR, educated, married, lived in the village of Nav, Yangiyol district;

Mamatalibek Kasimov, born in 1886 in Ota village, Lenin (Asaka) district, Fergana region, Uzbek nationality, citizen of the USSR, educated, married, lived in Zangi-ota village, Yangiyol district;

Qambar Sadikov, born in 1903 in the village of Orta Shakhrikhan, Stalin (Shakhrikhan) district, Fergana region, Uyghur nationality, citizen of the UzSSR, uneducated, married, lived in the village of Nav, Yangiyol district, was found guilty under Article 63 and Article 70 of the Criminal Code of the UzSSR. property was confiscated, U.Abdullaev, J.Alibaev and M.Kasimov were sentenced to death, N.Rabiev, F.Sagdullaev, Q.Sadikov, M.Mominkhojaev were sentenced to imprisonment for different years.

According to the court's verdict, the above-mentioned persons have been working under the guise of the Central Party and Soviet organizations of Uzbekistan for several years. they tried to realize their counter-revolutionary goals by placing their close colleagues in many districts of Uzbekistan, district party organizations and Soviet economic organizations.


According to the decision of the Special Council under the Independent Representative of the United State Political Administration in Central Asia (BDSB) dated September 23, 1931:


Fuzailov Sagdulla, born in Tashkent in 1899, Uzbek nationality, SSRI citizen, wealthy, married, previously convicted, lived in Tashkent;

Arifkhodjaev Ilkham, born in 1897 in Tashkent, Uzbek nationality, SSRI citizen, higher authority, married, former businessman, lived in Tashkent;

Ziyakhodjaev Madjid, born in Tashkent in 1911, Uzbek nationality, SSRI citizen, famous, former businessman, previous conviction, lived in Tashkent;

Ziyakhodjaev Khamid, born in 1911 in Tashkent, Uzbek nationality, SSRI citizen, mammothly, lived in Tashkent;

Akhmedov Djura, born in Tashkent in 1911, Uzbek nationality, SSRI citizen, mammoth, lived in Tashkent, was found guilty under Article 67 of the Criminal Code of the Uzbekistan SSR (creating a secret counter-revolutionary organization), and S. Fuzailov, I. Arifkhodjaev were sentenced to 3 years in prison. (concentration camp) and M.Ziyakhodzhaev, Kh.Ziyakhodzhaev, D.Akhmedov were released from the sentence because they were in prison during the preliminary investigation.

According to the decision of the Special Council under the Autonomous Representative of the United State Political Administration in Central Asia, the above-mentioned persons were members of the counter-revolutionary organization "EKFB" (Ekapchilar Birligi) in 1930 and secretly worked against the Soviet government.


On May 5, 1930, according to the decision of the Tripartite Council under the representative of Mukhtar of the United State Political Administration in Central Asia:


Tyurakhodja Kalimbetov, born in 1872 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh nationality, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, has 2 children, lived in village No. 9, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Shila Davlet, born in 1872 in Kipchak District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh nationality, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, dairy farmer, lived in village No. 9, Kipchak District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Nasratdin Sadulla, born in 1905 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh nationality, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, farmer, lived in village No. 9, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Akmamet Sadubay Ishan, born in 1860 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh nationality, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, farmer, lived in village No. 9, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Sara Khodjakeev, born in 1867 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, ethnic Karakalpak, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, farmer, lived in village No. 9, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Bekmanov Adabai, born in 1964 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh nationality, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, engaged in religious and agricultural activities, lived in village No. 9, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Naizeev Dzhamil, born in 1900 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh nationality, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, farmer, lived in village No. 8, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Daumbetov Seitnazar, born in 1895 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh nationality, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, farmer, lived in village No. 8, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Yusup Akhun Khodjaev, born in 1894 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh, citizen of SSRI, uneducated, married, farmer, lived in village #8, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Pirnazar Kaatan, born in 1902 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh nationality, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, farmer, lived in village No. 9, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Biykhodja Kalimbetov, born in 1885 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh citizen, citizen of SSRI, educated, married, farmer, lived in village No. 9, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Dzhababergen Kadyrbergenov, born in 1897 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh nationality, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, farmer, lived in village No. 9, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Musa Kadyrbergenov, born in 1898 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh nationality, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, farmer, lived in village No. 9, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Gaib Shardjanov, born in 1911 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh nationality, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, farmer, lived in village No. 9, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Abaidulla Raushanov, born in 1904 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Kazakh nationality, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, farmer, lived in village No. 9, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region;

Bekbergen Toshanov, born in 1882 in Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, ethnic Karakalpak, SSRI citizen, uneducated, married, farmer, lived in Ovul No. 9, Kipchok District, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region, Articles 58.8 and 58.11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (counter-revolution Sh. Davlet, T. Kalimbetov, S. Khodjakeevlarga otuv, S. Nasradin, B. Kadimbetov, D. Kadirbergenov, M. Kadirbergenov, G. Sharjanov, S. Akmamet, A. Bekmanov, D. Nayzeev, S. Daumbetov, Yu. Khodjaev , K. Pirnazar, A. Raushanov, B. Toshanov were sentenced to different years of imprisonment.

According to the decision of the Tripartite Council under the representative of the United State Political Bureau in Central Asia (BDSB) Mukhtar, T. Kalimbetov and others for years formed a terrorist group operating against the counter-revolutionary Soviet Union in the Karakalpakstan autonomous region, Kipchak district, and led its activities, as well as the Turkestan SSR and Karakalpakstan They were accused of communicating with other rebel groups led by Junaidkhan in the autonomous region and trying to overthrow the Soviet authorities in village No. 9 in Kipchak district and declare themselves as Khan.

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