A Dutch court has rejected a claim by human rights organizations regarding the supply of spare parts for F-35 fighter jets used by Israel in the war in the Gaza Strip, Al Jazeera reports .

The Hague District Court ruled on Friday not to suspend exports. Supply of parts, it was argued, was primarily a political decision in which judges should not interfere.

"The views expressed by the minister are mainly of a political nature and judges should give the minister more freedom, " the court explained in its ruling.

Parts of the US- owned F -35 are stored in a warehouse in the Netherlands and then shipped to several partners, including Israel, under existing export agreements.

However, NGOs, including local chapters of Amnesty International and Oxfam , are involved in the supply chain also states that it means that the Netherlands will participate in the war.

These spare parts "allow us to drop real bombs on real homes and real families, " said Oxfam Novib director Michel Serva e s.

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