On June 25, at the regular meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the law on the prosecution of parents who involved their children in religious education was adopted in the first reading. The new draft law caused public protests and heated debates.

Finally, this draft law was put up for public discussion on the website of the lower chamber. https://parliament.gov.uz/regulation/29?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2394r9OZE02Q3s2cGA1ue_OI0a-RZRhkiXa4MfxXKqDRtWAuj3PJ7pQ-U_aem_GP_TnKKet9HHgghKJgmwHg It does not indicate the date of discussion of the draft law and the final deadline. Many users report that the site is experiencing technical problems. Nevertheless, it can be said that it is important for the development of the country to consider the opinion of the people before adopting laws.

You can express your opinion about the new draft law by visiting this link https://parliament.gov.uz/regulation/29?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2394r9OZE02Q3s2cGA1ue_OI0a-RZRhkiXa4MfxXKqDRtWAuj3PJ7pQ-U_aem_GP_TnKKet9HHgghKJgmwHg.

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