Imam Bukhari's work "Birrul volidayn" (Doing good to parents) was translated from Arabic into Uzbek for the first time. The book contains 76 hadiths on topics such as raising children, the benefits of doing good deeds - showing respect to parents, receiving their prayers, receiving the prayers of parents for their children, the virtue of mercy, and doing good to relatives.

The Imam Bukhari International Research Center has translated the work of Imam Bukhari "Birrul volidain" (Doing good to parents) from Arabic to Uzbek for the first time, UzA reported.

"Our center translated for the first time into Uzbek the work of the Sultan of Muhaddis - Imam Bukhari, "Birrul volidain" (Do good to parents), which is famous in the Islamic world. This project was carried out during the visit of the head of our state to the Bukhara region during the execution of the tasks given to translate the works of our great ancestor Imam Bukhari into Uzbek and deliver them to our people . - press secretary of the research center Sherzod Mamatov.

The book contains 76 hadiths on topics such as raising children, the benefits of doing good deeds - showing respect to parents, receiving their prayers, receiving the prayers of parents for their children, the virtue of mercy, and doing good to relatives.

It is noted that comments and commentaries were written to make the hadiths popular and understandable. More than 50 reliable historical sources were used in the interpretation of the work.

"The translation was based on the copy kept by Hafiz Muhammad Abdulhay Kattani, one of the later scholars who kept this work in himself and taught it to his students. The text was compared with other copies. Corrections were made in necessary places, and scientific dialogues were held with local and foreign Islamic scholars and prominent scholars ," the report said.

The book and the populist pamphlet were subjected to the state theological examination in accordance with the procedure established by the Religious Affairs Committee.

It is planned to present this new book to prestigious libraries and foundations in countries such as the UAE, Turkey, Egypt, Russia, Britain, France, and promote it among the scientific and religious community of Uzbekistan and abroad.

Sherzod Mamatov said, "This book and the popular pamphlet serve to reveal the true humanitarian essence of our holy religion, to educate our children with respect for parents and loyalty to the Motherland."

In connection with the implementation of the "Road Map" on the research and dissemination of the scientific heritage of Allomars approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, the work on translating the works of our great Alloma ancestors, who made an incomparable contribution to the development of Islamic enlightenment, into Uzbek, conveying them to our people, and widely promoting them in international scientific circles continues in a systematic manner. delivery was noted.


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