Tens of thousands of foreigners are leaving Turkey due to the non-extension of residence permits, the refusal of new arrivals, and the sharp increase in housing and rental prices. 40 thousand foreigners left Antalya alone in 2023.

Tens of thousands of foreigners are leaving Turkey as residence permits are not extended, new arrivals are not allowed, and housing and rental prices have skyrocketed, Posta wrote. publication.

The influx of foreigners to Antalya has caused a sharp increase in housing prices in many areas of the city. It is noted that these increases affected not only Russians and Ukrainians, who make up the majority of foreigners, but also the local population. As a result, resentment against the government grew, and in order to stop the increase in housing and rental prices, the authorities stopped issuing residence permits to foreigners in 10 neighborhoods and extended residence permits to those who had expired in other neighborhoods.

As a result, foreigners began to migrate to other countries, mainly the UAE and Syria.

The owner of the Eduant International Russian School in Konyaalti, Viktor Bikkenev, told the publication that after the war, there was too much immigration in Russia after the start of military recruitment, and now the opposite is happening.

"People have to leave. Most of them went to Dubai. They say that there is no such problem in Dubai. Some European countries have no problem either. For example, Serbia is accepting them. He can stay there as long as he wants and find a job. The same is true in Croatia. Some countries consider it good that the Russians are coming. Because they can bring a certain amount of money. Russians are also going to Thailand, Bali and the Maldives," he said.

Bikkenev noted that with the departure of Russians, prices also fell. "Meeting K real estate agent, no sales. Beach house prices in Antalya are the same or more expensive than Miami. A friend of mine sold a house next to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai for barely $1 million. Prices in Antalya start at $1 million. As a result, prices have skyrocketed. Now it's the opposite, not a single house is being sold, and the price is falling. If the Migration Department does not issue a residence permit, people will have nothing to do, " he said.

Real estate agent Zehra Arslan, who worked mainly on selling housing to foreigners in Antalya , reported that housing prices have dropped by up to 50 percent, with an average drop of 15-25 percent.

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