A well-known religious scholar, the founder of the Azon Global information and analysis portal and a number of projects, Ustaz Mubashshir Ahmed announced that Muslims will abandon other social networks in favor of the Umma Life social network.
"I promised to use it as the main network if the number of subscribers in Umma exceeds 5,000. As I promised, now I will write only in Umma, and my admin will give them on Facebook, X, Telegram and Instagram. So, now I will not be on other social networks, I will not read comments and personal letters on them," the teacher wrote.
Mubashshir Ahmad said that Umma Life was his choice and suggested the same to other Muslims. The teacher concluded his speech with the following verse from the Holy Qur'an:
"Cooperate in the way of goodness and piety, do not cooperate in the way of sin and excess! Fear Allah!". ("Moida", surah, verse 2).
At the moment, 6,500 people are following teacher Mubashshir Ahmed on the Umma Life social network .
Earlier, the editors of Azon Global talked with the founders of Umma Life about the peculiarities of this social network, what opportunities it has for Muslims, technical and security aspects .

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